Chapter 27 | Keefe

Start from the beginning

This time, it was Marella. Ugh, I can't believe we were ever best friends. He's disgusting.

I stepped up next to Foster and intertwined our fingers. "Wanna go?"

"No. It's... whatever. They're gross, but it doesn't matter."

I could tell she didn't really mean it, but I nodded and led her to the table. We slipped into a couple of the empty chairs. I glanced at Dex and Biana, who were both looking at Sophie. Their chairs were close together. I motioned towards them and smirked. "You two gonna start making out in front of us too?"

They both blushed. Biana recovered first. "No, my brother is a jerk. We wouldn't be gross like that."

I raised an eyebrow, and Biana fell silent. "I mean..."

Fitz finally pulled away from Marella, who dropped her eyes but couldn't hide her pleased smile. "Biana?" he asked with warning in his voice. "What is Keefe talking about?"

"Like you have any right to ask that question," she retorted. "You make out with any girl who doesn't care about her other friends."

Fitz didn't have a response, but Marella did. "I do care about you. If you can't support me liking Fitz, you're the one who doesn't care about me."

"Unbelievable." I cut in. "You do realize the only reason you guys are together is to spite Sophie, right?

Marella shrugged. "I don't really care why we're together. We are. Deal with it."

I snorted. "Should've known it'd be you. I thought you were getting better lately, but I guess I was wrong."

"I bet that was hard to admit," she said, examining her bright red fingernails.

"About as hard as it will be for Fitz to get tired of you and dump you without a thought. Not hard at all."

She ignored me. The table was silent for the rest of lunch. No one ate. I reached for Sophie's hand under the table, and she took it gratefully.

Finally, it was time to go to class. I stood up, pulling Sophie with me. We walked hand in hand out into the hallway, then stopped. I turned to her. "You good?"

"Ugh, it's silly for this to upset me. He's just stupid. Maybe I just feel bad for Marella."

"Don't. She's not like Linh. She knew the truth. She made her decision, and she doesn't care if she hurts you. She's liked him forever."

She sighed. "Yeah."

Trying to cheer her up, I made an offer. "Wanna ditch? Just head somewhere?"

She looked into my eyes. "We'd get in trouble."


She watched me for a minute. "Actually, yeah. I do. Where?"


She laughed. "Your place?"

"That works. Dad's not home right now. No clue when he'll be back though."

She opens her mouth, but I cut her off.

"No, sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I'm glad he's gone, really. And Ro'll be there. We could have a picnic on the beach."

She smiled softly. "I'd love that."

"Me too." I took her hand and raised my home crystal to the window's light.


We sat on the picnic blanket together for several minutes before either of us spoke.

"I brought my iPod. Want to listen to some music?"


She flicked her thumb across the screen a few times before clicking a song. "I like this one." She pushed one earbud into her ear and handed me the other. After a few tries, I figured it out.

(It's the song on the top)

I love it when you call me señorita

I wish I could pretend I didn't need ya

But every touch is ooh la la la

It's true, la la la

She laughed. "I just thought of something. It's like us, how you call me Foster."

"You love that?"

"I love you. And I love that you care enough to have a special nickname for me."

I grinned. After a couple more songs that made literally zero sense, I heard her stomach growl. I laughed and reached for the picnic basket, pulling out my earbud.

"I seriously need to teach you how to pack a picnic," Sophie laughed as I unpacked what I'd stuffed hastily into a blanket.

"Nah, you know you love it." I handed her a butterblast, which she popped into her mouth.

"I do love it," she said after she swallowed.

"And I love you." She grinned at me, and I smirked back. "Too cheesy?"

"Never." We both leaned into a kiss. I could taste the butterblast on her lips, and it made the kiss even sweeter. She was so perfect. And I loved her more than anything. Anything at all.

She didn't pull away- probably still being stubborn- and I wasn't about to. So I tilted my head and kissed her some more. Might as well take advantage of her competitive streak. Finally, I pulled away.

"I win again." she whispered.

"Pretty sure we both did," I whispered back.

"Mmh. Yeah, probably." She grinned, and my gaze shifted back to her lips. She had had a little lip gloss on this morning, but I could barely see any now. That probably meant I had some on me, but I didn't care. I was so focused on her lips that I barely noticed the yelling from the house.


We didn't hear a response. I winced. "Sounds like Dad of the Year's home. I'd better go before he looks out the window."

"I don't want to leave you here."

"Thanks, but I'll be fine. It's not like this has never happened before." I tried for a smile.

She didn't buy it. "We could just leave. Together."

"Nah, then Ro would get in trouble. It's okay, really. See you tomorrow." And I leaned over, giving her a goodbye kiss. I planned on pulling away quickly, but she kissed me back and I couldn't make myself do it. Eventually though, I did, and stood up. I figured I'd regret sending her away, but I didn't want her to get in trouble too. And I would get in trouble whether I went in now or later, so might as well get it over with.

I watched her leap away before trudging up to my room and waiting for my dad to discover me.

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