Ch16: I love you

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Note: Remember again that some of the next names of the ninjalinos you're about to read aren't canonly confirmed in the show, I named them like this since the wiki confirmed that they have names.


  Many hours later....

-"Will he be okay?

-"I hope so..."

-"I can't believe that, he risked himself for the mountain."

-"And you called him evil!"


   After managing to free An Yu, fight the dragon and defeat Munkigu, Night Ninja fell unconscious. The three other PJ Masks could break free from the sticky splats and they're now all gathered at the pagoda, Aquafish told them all what happened while the Ninjalinos were watching their leader still unconscious worried for him.

-Catboy: So.... Helped you to free An Yu, fought a dragon and almost getting killed just to show that he's innocent...

-Aquafish: Yep

-Owlette: After all this time he were innocent, and we didn't trusted him and called him evil...

-Gekko: I feel bad... You were right about him Aquafish. We're sorry.

-Catboy: Yeah, sorry for that. And sorry for almost kicking you off just because you weren't listening to us, from now on we'll always trust you no matter what.

-Aquafish: Thanks but... It's not me who needs you to apologise. *stares at Night Ninja* It's him.

-Owlette: True...

-The Ninjalinos: *whimper*

-Marvin: *gibberish* (Master... You were so brave...)

-Zane: *gibberish* (We will always respect that!)

-Lloyd: *gibberish* (Is he .... Dead? )

-Daisy: *gibberish* (I don't want him to die!) *cry*

-Teeny Weeny:

-Ray: *gibberish* (If he dies, who's gonna lead us? WHO'S GONNA TEACH US!? )

-Simon: *gibberish* (No! He mustn't die! He must survive!)

-An Yu: ........

-Owlette: You okay An Yu?

-An Yu: ... Please, leave us alone for a while.

-Catboy: What? Why?

-An Yu: Just leave! I wanna be alone with him.... Please...

-Gekko: Okay.... As you want, come on ninjalinos.

   The PJ Masks and the ninjalinos walked out from the pagoda, leaving An Yu with Night Ninja. The dragon girl kneeled to the ninja boy, she slowly removed his mask and held his hands...

-"Ninjy... I'm so sorry for everything. I'm sorry for not trusting you, I was so shoked that I didn't wanted to hear your explanations... I heard you talking to me when I was trapped in the gong earlier, so if you can hear me... Just know that I love you, and I don't wanna lose you. I hope that you'll feel better soon." she said as she kissed his forehead. But then, she suddenly felt like something was holding her hands back.

-"I... I love you too An Yu..." he said

-An Yu: Huh!? Night Ninja! You're alive!

-Night Ninja: Yeah... *cough* I'm alive. I'm also sorry but the amulet got broken during the fight.

-An Yu: It's okay, I no longer need it.

-Night Ninja: But it's a treasure of the mountain, a treasure that you losed years ago...

-An Yu: I don't care about it anymore, you are my real treasure Night Ninja

-Night Ninja: And so are you An Yu... I love you

-An Yu: I love you too

   They both slowly kissed each other, while all the others were watching the scene throught the pagoda's doors. All the ninjalinos cheered for their master being alive and for finding love.

-Owlette: This is so adorable!

-Catboy: Must admit, they are perfect together

-Aquafish: I SHIP IT!!!!!

-Gekko: You were right about them Aquafish


     Since that night, Night Ninja never mischieved in mystery mountain again, althought he keep doing villain stuff in town with his ninjalinos. But nothing in this world will ever break the love bound between him and An Yu.

                                                              ^^ ***The End***^^

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