Ch13:Back in Action

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    ***at night***

  *at HQ*

-Catboy: PJ Robot! Can you-

-PJ Robot: GUYS! Emergency at Mystery Mountain!

-Gekko: What! What's wrong? Is it Night Ninja again?

-PJ Robot: NO! It's Munkigu! He somehow took control of the mountain!

-All: WHAT!?

-Catboy: That monkey! I knew he'd be up to something after getting help from that ninja

-Aquafish: *Ahem* Catboy, what did we said about Night Ninja?

-Owlette: We'll talk about that later, we have more important to deal with

-Gekko: But where's An Yu?

-PJ Robot: Idk, but if that monkey's out there it means that something bad happend to her

-Catboy: Right, to the PJ Rovers everyone!

    He swipes to the icon of the PJ Rovers and presses it. They put on their helmets and rides their bikes as the HQ's middle door open, the four PJ Masks jump out and they around the city 'til they arrived to Mystery Mountain's enterance

-Catboy: Come on team! We better stop that troublemaker monkey!

-Aquafish: ..... *got an idea* Go first, I'll join you soon!

-Gekko: Where are you going?

-Aquafish: You'll see! *drive her bike away*

-Catboy: Come back you! We said we'd stick together in missions! *facepalm* Why did I let you join us...?

-Owlette: Because she's our Fourth PJ Mask Catboy! I'm sure she has a good reason for it.

-Catboy: *sigh* You know you're a real angel Owlette? Anyway, let's focus on our mission! *does the hand mouvements and makes the sign*

   The portal opens and the three PJs ran in. Meanwhile, Aquafish kept riding her bike looking for Night Ninja, despite being in a mission she still want to convise everyone about the innocence of the ninja

-Aquafish: *throught the driving board* PJ Robot, can you analyse the city and find Night Ninja for me?

-PJ Robot: What? Why? It's not the right momment for that

-Aquafish: Trust me I have a plan, but we'll need him for it

-PJ Robot: Okay, let me see...

-Aquafish: I'll keep searching while that

*she kept searching 'til she found him on the top of an old building with three ninjalinos trying to conform him*

-Aquafish: There he is! *remove her helmet and run to him* Night Ninja!

-Night Ninja: *snif*... Leave me alone...

-Aquafish: Dude! I know you're innocent, and I want to help you prouving that

-Night Ninja: It's no use... I'm banished from the mountain.... If only I didn't trusted that monkey.... Now my life has no meaning anymore!

-Aquafish: It's not too late! We still can convice the mountain that you have nothing to do with that! In fact, if you help me defeating Munkigu and save An Yu you'll gain her trust again.


-Aquafish: I think Munkigu did something to her since he took control of Mystery Mountain

-Night Ninja: That Monkey is SO DEAD! Come on ninjalinos! We have a mountain to save!

-The Ninjalinos: *cheer*^^

                  To be continued...

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