Ch2: Their truce

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-"A truce? Why would you make a truce with me after all the awfull things you've done in Mystery Mountain?" asked suspisciously An Yu

-"Listen.... I know I'm a villain, I did a lots of bad stuff that I admit, there's some I regret. But it's because I wanted to achieve my dream..." admitted Night Ninja

-An Yu: Your dream?

-Night Ninja: Yeah.... I always wished to become a great ninja, but everybody kept laughing on me and mocking me trying to crush my dream of it....

-An Yu: Oh.... Is that how you became a villain?

-Night Ninja: Yeah kinda.... I wanna prouve myself about it, even if I have to become the worst criminal of the world!

-An Yu: Oh......

-Night Ninja: An Yu, you know a lots of things about this mountain and its art marcial secrets, if you accept this truce and trust in me I promiss you I'll nice with you and only you!

-An Yu: *blush* You promis?

-Night Ninja: *hold his hands* I promis! You have my world! If I lie, you can banish me from this mountain

    Those world he said shocked An Yu, she never expected to hear that from the ninja she used to see as an enemy. Unlike the tricky ninja of usually, this time she felt like sincerity and honesty in him, but she also felt like some strange feeling toward him ...

                       To be continued....

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