Ch1: About the statut

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     The next night, Night Ninja went back on Mystery Mountain as planned to learn more about that statut he saw. He walked for a long while through the bamboo forest 'til he finds it. It was the statut shapped like some sort of samurai ... 

-" Woaw.... What's this statut ? Who's this guy? " asked the ninja as he saw And Yu passing

    She was holding a bouquet of flowers, she was without her helmet, with her long black hair straight loose. The ninja boy blushed of amaze when he saw her "Woaw.... She's.... She's pretty.... She's.... Wait WHAT AM I SAYING !? SHE'S MY ENEMY !" he thought in mind. 

An Yu stopped in front of the statut, she kneeled to it and put down the flowers she brought for it. "Hi there..... Father.... " said An Yu as her eyes filled with tears that suddenly scrolled down of her eyes, then she cried 

Night Ninja who kept hidding couldn't believe what he saw, the girl he saw as an enemy and saw as brave and tought is crying to the statut of a samurai who was nothing else than her father... Without thinking, he slowly walked to her

-Night Ninja : .... An Yu.... 

-An Yu : *snif* Huh? *gasp* Night Ninja !? What do you want !? 

-Night Ninja : I..... I was just passing..... You okay? 

-An Yu : I.... I guess I am.... Where's your Ninjalinos? 

-Night Ninja : They're goofing around in town.... An Yu.... Who was this guy on the statut ? 

-An Yu : *snif* It was my father.... He was a great warrior and gardian of Mystery Mountain. He was a brave man.... Before I got imprisonned in the gong

-Night Ninja : Oh.... I see... I've been thinking.... 

-An Yu : What is it ? 

-Night Ninja : An Yu... Let's make a truce ! 

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