chapter 3- down memory lane

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As soon as I jumped back through the window, I didn't do anything but make my way to the bed and slump on the covers without changing.

As I lay in bed, I was tired but I couldn't get rid of the energy buzzing through my veins, not letting me sleep.

After five minutes or so of trying, I knew that relaxing would be hopeless. I quickly got out of bed and made my way downstairs into the back garden. Some fresh air and space sounded like a good idea right now and instead of wandering the unsafe streets, my only option was the big but dirty back garden that was used to keep the kids entertained when there was no one else that would.

I made my way to the back of the property where the trees lined the wooden fence that was a poor barrier to keep others from getting in, or more importantly keep us from getting out and only realised where I had ended up when I finally stopped walking and looked around. The almost hyper energy dissipated and, in its place, a numbing feeling of loss.

I had ended up in a patch hidden by the trees just at the end of the garden. A massive tree, whose name I did not know stood in the corner with its massive waterfall leaves that rained down beside me, encompassing me in a bubble of green. It was a hidden enclove, guarded by the tree and the fence, leaving it a spot where you could be alone, or in my case alone with someone else.

I was sucked into a memory so strong that I forgot about everything, leaving me a victimised passenger of the past.

He dragged me behind him, passing the soft curtain of leaves before we were beautifully hidden beside the tree where no one could see us.

There was not much space and so when Tavon stepped closer to me, I could feel the warmth of his body in front of me seeping through my clothes and onto my skin, burning me from the inside out.

I tried to step back from the danger present, not him exactly but the feeling he was causing inside of me but the thick tree was behind me, not allowing me to do so.

Tavon, having seen what I had tried to do just stared at me like a predator and edged even close even though I had not thought it was possible, Never in my life had I felt more like prey.

He was tall, much taller than me, and despite him being seventeen, he was much more muscled than the other boys his age and it wasn't just his physical appearance that separated him from the rest, but himself. He was just different from them all. He was unique and he had drawn me in ever since he had arrived here three years ago.

He continued to stare down at me and I stared up.

His eyes had always fascinated me. Dark, obsidian pools almost opaque but there was this sheen, this reflection that made it seem so much darker than what you originally thought, so much deeper. Like the deepest depths of the ocean where everything was so vast. Anyone could get lost in them and that was what was happening now as I became transported in those dark orbs, sucked in those dangerous depths where the secrets of his past lay, drawing me in.

Many people were scared of Tavon. Yes, he was just a  seventeen year-old but his name was always scattered around town, sometimes in fear and sometimes in obsession. There was one thing for sure. He knew how to make an impact.

But the important thing was that Tavon didn't scare me. I was two years younger than him but never, not even once, had I feared the boy in front of me. Yes, his outer appearance might've been hardened to look as if it was unbreakable but all I saw was him and the secrets that slithered in his eyes, the secrets of his past that made him into this person, this shell. I wasn't scared. I was drawn in.

Something Tavon knew because he looked at me as if he could see me.

His head came even closer to mine and I drew in a breath.

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