a date?

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before we start, thank you guys for everything! And also, This chapter is important, it is basically a fast forwarding chapter, so it'll just be in 3rd Pov and it won't be too long. It's just to get to the certain date so all the action can take place.

anyways enjoy :)

3rd Pov

The days grew colder and the nights grew longer as they made it through the first two weeks of December.

Now it's currently December 19th and the four boys we're stuck at home because of a blizzard that had headed their way.

Sapnap and Dream had gotten closer ever since he showed him face.

Dream no longer slept with a mask now, being able to sleep in between the raven haired boy's neck at night, peacefully taking in his scent, letting his body weight fall onto Nick.

George developed a habit of brewing, and he would spend most of his days reading books, or going over to Karl's place to help out with the library but because of all the snow piling up, it soon became impossible so he'd have to work with what he already has.

Technoblade on the other side spent most of his time sleeping in and just doing simple things like, some days he would spend hours sharpening his sword with a tool, while other times he would go mining for hours on end.

He would always return home though, and although he seemed okay he took Sapnap up on that offer and cried in the shower whenever he felt down. He wasn't much of an affectionate guy but every now and then, we all have our breakdowns.

Everyday just became more and more of a routine.

Nick had written a letter out to Bad a couple days ago but he has yet to get a respond back.

Dear Bad,

Hey bad it's me Nick, I was just wondering how the plan is going? Have you managed to gather everyone we need? I hope you have, the 25th of December only gets closer.

I was hoping to make it over there by Christmas actually - you know like sneak in but i heard there was a blizzard coming our way so who knows. Even so, I'm trying my best.

Anyways, Our suspicion about Dream being the chosen one, can be lowered and we don't have to worry about it, but I still want you to keep an eye out on Tommy.

Tommy needs our help and no matter what happens - I'll protect him, the same way I'll protect Dream and everyone else.

I hope you were able to get into my father's secret room, if you did, there should've been enough netherite for each person.

Niki, Eret, Quackity, Tubbo, Fundy, Punz, Tommy, and you, If i'm not mistaken, there should also be enough for me and my boys.

So yeah, I hope you get this letter..I miss you Bad, be safe please.

Prince Nick

The letter was written on December 10th meaning it's been a while since he's last heard from Bad.

Today though, today is a quiet day.

Ghostbur was with Dream for a few days before he left again back to Tommy.

So the sound of only the fire burning was slowly driving Dream insane.

He sat on his chair facing his desk.

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