My first kiss

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Hey so this chapter was inspired by The song "Sher" by Quadeca

(fun fact, Sapnap listens to quadeca a lot irl! They both follow eachother on twitter too!)

So whenever the text looks like this then it is lyrics :3

⚠️ tw// slight nsfw ahead but not really

Anyways hope ye enjoy :)

Sapnap's Pov

Last night was cold. And not just cause it snowed, but because this time Dream didn't sleep next to me the whole night, he only just got into bed an hour ago.

It hurt a lot but I get it, he's mad that I went back to the kingdom.

It might've been so wrong to do but it felt so right.

I laid there in bed just watching the morning snow fall down as the sun was covered by white puffy clouds.

Dream was still facing away from me, but his breathing pattern told me he was awake.

"Listen Dream can we talk?" I ask in a shaky voice as he is probably still mad at me.

"I don't wanna argue with you this early in the morning Sap." Dream said not moving at all, i felt helpless but that doesn't matter I have to say what I have to say.

"If it's healthy to argue then i'll be unhealthy." I said and added on "Because I don't wanna argue, I just wanna talk.."

"Then talk." He said it so vaguely, i felt even more helpless but this time it was guilt that entered my mind and trapped my every thought.

"If you really knew how i feel about you, Well, pretty soon, I wouldn't need to ask you, wouldn't even have to, I've got everything that I need to have it's you." I said still not taking my eyes off from the different shaped snowflakes that landed on the window sill.

Dream finally moved and laid on his back now.

I don't know what he was staring at though. It looked like the celling.

"Your sweet talk won't work that easily..." He whispered but loud enough for me to hear.

"Inevitably, Well, I don't know." I respond back to him. And he's right, but I wasn't trying to sweet talk I'm just being honest.

"Just get to the point Sapnap." Dream spoke up louder, I could tell he was growing impatient, but the things I were gonna say next...needed a moment.

I think I should just tell him how I feel, I mean the tension between us is obvious, no more denying it.

"As soon as I saw you, as soon as you saw me, We just couldn't take it slow." I said turning to face him, my heart beginning to race as he wasn't responding at first but something in the atmosphere changed because it felt a bit less tense. Just a bit.

"Tell me, What you're waiting for?" He also turned to face me as he said that.

"I could ask you the same thing. But if i'm being honest I don't know" I say with confidence but it sounds shaky.

"Damn." He simply said.

I stare into his mask hoping to earn at least a smile. "Hours and hours that you're talking to me, that shit is the best." I say.

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