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Don't know if it matters but the font i use to read this story is "Charter"
Also it's a long chapter today so enjoy :)

Sapnap's Pov

This new guy, was very preppy..

He looked familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"How exactly do you know me?" I ask glancing at George.

"Well, I was the librarian back in your village, I luckily got a chance to leave during the whole raid and all.." He said tumbling with his fingers.

"Oh.." I say softly.

"The book is uhm it was just one of the King's favorites, I figured maybe you'd like what your father read aswell." He said pointing at the book in my hands.

I looked down at the book that I was holding, it was a dark green and it was titled "The chosen one." I flipped the book over to read the description, "A book about mineworld's greatest human to ever live, Steve."

"Thanks.." I say and there was an awkward silence where we only heard the shower water go off.

"How about we sit down and talk, I'll make some coffee!" George broke the tension in the room as we headed to the kitchen.

Me and Karl sat around the small table as George made coffee.

"So do you miss the village?" I ask looking at Karl who seemed distracted.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I do." He said with a soft smile.

I blushed at it, I don't know why I did, but he had a nice smile.

"So Prince Nick-" Before he could finish I cut him off.

"Please call me Sapnap!" I say and he gives me a look of confusion.

"Sapnap?" He questioned as the kitchen door opened.

"Yeah, call him Sapnap. I gave him that name." Dream said flashing me a smile.

"What a weird name but I'd still rather call him prince, after all he was my prince back at the village." Karl said and the way he said my prince made me blush once again.

I think Dream noticed though cause his smile instantly left.

"I'm sorry your prince? Sapnap doesn't belong to you, he belongs to me, and uh.. George.." Dream said the last part about George a little to late as if he was trying to cover up what he just said.

I gave him a soft look but I could feel the rejection coming from him.

He was wearing a black hoodie and some light blue jeans, this is a change from the green clothes.

His once dirty blonde hair was now a darker brown as it was wet from the shower he just took.

He looked really really really really really good.

Droplets fell onto his mask as he looked around the small kitchen.

"Who's this?" He asks looking at me and George and then pointing at Karl.

"He used to be the librarian at my village!" I say grinning.

Dream doesn't smile back, he just stood there.

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