seeing him

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Yams pov.

I'm scared.

No scratch that, I'm terrified!

What if my parents find me? What if the cops get involved? I have nowhere to go if my parents go to jail! I... I need sammy! Where is he... Oh right, he's at tukkis house. I Wish either tukki or sammy were here. They comfort me. They are special to me. I curl up into a ball, shaking. I  just want one or the other. I dont care which. I just need one!

I hear a knock at the door. "C-come in." I say scared. The door opens to reveal tukki! He comes over to me, seeing as I'm shaking, and he wraps his arms around me. He lets go, gets onto the bed sitting behind me, and rewraps his arms around me. He rocks me from side to side in a steady manner. "C-can I ask a favor?"

"Yeah sure, what is it?"

"Can someone bring sammy?" 

"Yeah I can go home and grab him." He says getting up. I grab his arm. He looks back at me, and gets the message. "Alright. I'll just call atikeru." He says as he gets back on the bed. "You doing alright?" I shake my head. "Do you want to talk about it?" I nod.

"I... I-I'm so scared! I don't know what I can do. I... If the cops get involved I'm so dead! My parents will actually kill me! I dont want to go back there!"

"Tadshi look at me." Tukki said. I looked at him, and he wiped away tears I didn't even know were there. "You are not going back there. Not ever."

"How do you know that?" I asked him confused.

"Promise you wont be mad?" I gave him an annoyed look.

"What did you do?"

"I may or may not have started recording from the short walk from my place to yours and got a confession of your dad abusing you and possessing weed. Also gotten a recording of our entire conversation, along with photos of blood, and other things that dont make sense like, the fact the locks on your door require a key for the inside." I couldn't believe it. 

"TUKKI!" I say smacking him upside the head. 

"I deserve that. I'm sorry tadashi. I just didn't want to have to force you to relive it with the cops." I was both upset, but grateful. I dont want to relive it with the cops. I wont have anyone for moral support. 

"Its fine." He lays down on the hospital bed. "Can you stay here for a while tukki?" I ask him, He nods, and lays down next to me, pulling me close. I felt his heartbeat close to me, the steady rhythm luring me to sleep in his arms. I felt safe here. Like I was meant to be here.

Tukki pov.

a few minutes after tadashi fell asleep, I pulled out my phone nd texted my brother, telling him were to find sammy, and to bring him to the hospital. He agreed and I put my phone away. After I just kind of, watched tadashi sleep. He's so cute when he sleeps. His face is completely relaxed, and he looks so peaceful. I cant believe that anyone would treat him like that. Its so wrong! How could you treat such a beautiful human like trash?! Its beyond me. 

I take time to really look at his face. I already knew he was beautiful, but I never had time to really observe his face. his face is slightly chubby, but in a good way. his freckles are like stars, and if I could, I'd kiss every one of them. Wait what? That thought was weird. I focus on his beautiful face for a few more minutes until I realize. 

I am head over heels in love with him.

And honestly, it feels right.

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