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tukkis pov: 

i dropped tadashi off at home, and once the door closed, i heard something smash, and a man yelling, it was muffled, but it seems like he was calling him a faggot, and a slut, yelling at him for hanging out with me. he also called me a fag, but i was too confused of why he was yelling about to be mad. i just decided to go home.

as soon as i got home i was greeted by my mom and dad. we all sat down to eat dinner, hardly talking. we dont really talk during dinner, and its quiet. all was normal, when we heard a loud crashing coming from tadashis house. we all looked at each other, confusion written all over our faces. "what happened over there?" my mother asked, but i had a single thought on my mind. 'is tadashi okay?'

we finished dinner, and i washed the dishes, while my mom put away leftovers. i went over to my room, and i started my homework, and looked up to notice something. i left my curtains open, and tadashi did too. the reason i looked up, was i saw movement. it was tadashi, opening his door. he looked awful. he was just in his boxers, and i could see pretty much all of him. his pale chest, and small figure, was covered in bruises and his face and hands were covered in blood. his arms and legs were covered in scars, some old and faded, other looked like they were put there only days ago. it hurt me to see him like that. i dont know why it hurt me so much to see him like that. i noticed a couple bruises on his chest and arm,were darker than the other bruises, and his nose was purple. dark marks and bites covering his neck, shoulders and collarbone. what happened?

he closed his bedroom door, and slid down against it, tears streaming, and his body was shaking violently. i felt my heart squeeze. why? i dont know. he was like that for about 3 minutes, just crying. he got up, and went out of the view i had, and i could see he had scars on his back. some seemed long, almost like whip marks. and there were some that seemed small and round, like something was put out against his back. whats more some seemed ony a few days old. i needed a minute to process it. okay, lets see, the marks on his arms and legs, seem to be self inflicted. that lone is terrible, but the bruises... his nose was bleeding, and purple, his chest and one arm seemed badly bruised. his hands are cut too. the scars all over the rest of his body, dont seem to be self inflicted. and those marks cant be anything but hickies. 

i thought about how those could be there, when tadashi came out, in a towel, i saw and my face went red. he was only in my sight for a second. he came back after a second, and grabbed a first aid kit. i noticed his arms had more scars. he hurt himself more. he was wrapping the most injured parts of himself like he had dome it a million times, when it hit me.

his parents did this.

my eyes went wide in horror to think, MY tadashi was being abused by his parents. wait did i just say my tadashi? i ignored the thought, and looked on concerned. he turned around, and froze, making eye contct with me. he looked mortified, and just stood there. i opened my window, and motioned for him to do the same. he snapped out of it and put a shirt on, opening his window. "come over, now. bring clothes." he shook his head no. "fine, then im coming to you." his eyes went wider.

"N-NO! i-its fine! there really isnt any need for you to-"

"if there isnt a need, explain the scars on your back, the bruises all over you, all the blood i saw on you, all the sobbing you did, the loud crash from your home, and all of the yelling i heard from your parents. go ahead, id love to hear you explain it all." i said with my arms crossed. "you have five minutes to explain it. then im coming over." he stood there for all five minutes, and i was about to leave when he spoke.

"fine. ill tell you... but can you stay here for the night?" i look at him, surprised. i nod, and pack some clothes, a toothbrush, my phone, headphones and charger. i go down and i see my mom.

"kei? where are you going?"

"somethings going on with tadashi, and he asked me to stay the night." my mom smirked.

"use protection." she calls as im at the door, and i freeze. 


"sure~. well, just be safe kei." i nod.

"also, if hes telling me something that confirms my suspicions, then hes going to be staying with us." my mother looks at me confused.

"what? why?"

"because, if he confirms what i think is happening, then it isnt safe for him at his house." i say as i step out the door. i set up a recording app, and start recording everything. i dont want tadashi to know im recording it for the police, so ill have evidence to get him arrested. i go over to tadashis house and knock. his father opens the door, the stench of alcohol all over him. ciggerette smoke fills the air like a mist, and there is one smell i cant identify. its clear that nether parent is sober. "um... hello. im here to see tadashi." the man speaks, slurring his words, and is drunk out of his mind. 

"what for? to fuck him? hes my slut. you should have seen him the first time i fucked him. he was sobbing and begging for me to stop, moaning the entire time. the little bitch should be grateful. my faggot of a son got laid in the first place. that ugly ass bitch. but noo, he was crying the entire time." i pushed past him and ran inside. 

"whats that smell?"

"for such a smartie pants im surprised you dont know. alcohol, cigarettes', and weed." im glad hes so drunk at this point, or else he probably would have never admitted that. ive already got evidence of sexual assault, and now possession. i look around, the place. theres blood, and broken glass everywhere, with dozens of empty beer bottles. i go up to yams room, and knock. he opens the door after a minute, with the same long sleeved shirt, and pj bottoms. he lets me into his room, and i sit down on his mattress. 

"okay, im here. so tell me what your parents have been doing to you." hes silent for a minute.

"well... its kind of a long story..."

"then start at the beginning." he nods, and takes a deep breath, sitting on the floor a little away from me, and starts the story, of all the abuse, pain and suffering hes been put through, for the past 15 years. 

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