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Okay, so I hope you like what i did in this chapter! ;) 

Yams pov

We walked in, and got to the room we were supposed to be in for the trial. Tukki took his seat behind me after fixing my tie. I hate the fact I had to dress like this, but I put up with it. A hand on my shoulder made me flinch slightly, and I turned around, fear in my eyes. It was a short woman, with blonde hair. "Hey its okay. You dont need to be scared yamaguchi."

"Who are you, and how do you know my name?" I asked her. She smiled and held out her hand.

"I'm yachi hitoka, and I'm your lawyer. So there's no need for you to feel afraid around me. Okay?" I nodded, taking her hand. "Okay, so I'm not allowed to know a ton about the trial before it happens. All I know is that your father has been raping you, and your father and mother have both been neglecting and beating you, correct?" I nod again. "Great. Also, try and talk during the trial. Okay?" 

"R-right." A cop entered the room, with my parents in toe, both of them in orange jumpsuits and handcuffs. They both glared at me as they say down, and I gulped.

"Okay, it's almost time to start. And I swear I'll do my best so we can win this. Nobody deserves to live like that." She says sitting down. I sit in the seat next to her and reach my hand behind me, as tukki grabs it and gives it a reassuring squeeze. I take a deep breath, and exhale, squeezing the hand back. 

"All rise for judge nishinoya." We all stood up, as a short man, with black hair, and a streak of yellow entered the room, and sat down at the judges stand. He sat down.

"Please, sit." We all sat down. "We are here today for the trial of tadashi yamaguchi vs Hiro and Kira yamaguchi. They are being charged for child abuse, rape , and possession. How dose the defense plead?"

"Not guilty your honor." A tired looking man with brown hair said. 

"Prosocution, your opening statement?"

"Members of the jury, this teenager has been through years of trauma and abuse from careless parents. In this trial, we will prove that people like this, will always have their luck run out on them. One way or another." She said pointing over to my parents. 

"Defence, your statement?"

"Members of the jury, this is simply a case of a child being unhappy, falling down the stairs badly, and making up a sad excuse of a story to get his parents in jail for what night I ask? Abuse, that never happened in the first place! I will prove that this teenage boy is nothing but a liar, and that his parents are completely innocent." 

"Okay, prosicution, call your first witness."

"I call the doctor from the hospital, Dr. shiketsu kiyoko." A woman came to the stand, and a tall man with a small beard and brown hair holding a bible swore her in. "Dr. kiyoko, How would you describe my clients injuries?"

"I would describe them as horrendous."

"Elaborate, if you would?"

"He had a broken nose when he was admitted. It was completely shattered in fact. He had about 2 broken ribs on the left side, and 3 bruised ribs on the right. He had a small tibula fracture, and a crack in the upper left arm. And those are just the bones! He has multiple scars on his back that look like whip marks, and burn marks that seemed to be only a few days to 1 week old caused by a small object. He had dozens of cuts on his arms, and one seemed to be infected. he was also having lots of internal bleeding around the anus."

"Other than blood, did you find anything else in the anus?"

"Yes. Seamen."

"Do you know who's seamen?"

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