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tukkishima pov

i know tadashi is smoking their weed every now and then. its faint but i can smell it, along with alcohol. i can recognize it though, but im not saying anything. i stop recording while hes returning his parents "money." im guessing hes giving back his parents weed, not wanting us to get arrested for possession. drinking and smoking underage, while illegal, is only a warning, since its his first offence. ( dont quote me on that.) he should be fine. but we need to get tadashi to a doctor. i take him to my house and ask my mom to take up to a hospital, since i noticed earlier, that tadashi has a huge bruise forming on his leg, and arm. they might be fractured. not only that, his nose is starting to turn purple. and it was bleeding earlier.

"why do you need to go to the hospital?"

"because hes badly injured." we load him into the backseat, and drive to the hospital, to get him checked out. we only wait for 10 minutes, before tadashi is taken back. were told we'll be allowed to see him in the morning, and that right now he needs rest. they shoo us out, and i go over to tadashis house. his parents are passes out, and i take the chance to take pictures. i take pictures of the bloody glass, blood stained floors, and the blood on the railing. all the bottles littering the floor, and ciggerette ashes everywhere. theres a trail of blood down the stairs, and its only a few hours old. theres evidence of domestic abuse, along with tadashis statement, a confession of sexual abuse, and again, tadashi confirming it. 

his body shows he was malnourashed, and yams told me he was. theres a confession of possession too. thats enough to get them arrested. also i noticed something. tadashis bedroom door, locks from the outside, and has a bolt lock. i take a picture of the room, and the door, in case its needed. i dont know if it will be, but hey, its here. i also take a video, of all the shit in the house confirming all this. well, all exept the malnourishment. it smelt so badly of alcohol, in the rest of the house, i had to open a window, when i first got in. it dosent smell as bad in tadashis room. after im done, i close the window and go home. but i dont sleep much that night. im too worried about tadashi.

im not sure why whenever i think of him, my heart rate speeds up, but right now, isnt a good time to be like that. hes in the hospital, badly injured by his own parents! ill have to confront them sometime. maybe i can get a recoding of how little they care about him. that would be the final nail in the coffin. they definitely would get arrested for that. and if they get out, they definitely wont be getting custody of him. i will personally fight to have him live with us.

i promise you that.

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