We'll get through it together

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Within a few weeks, it was time for the trial. Yams was nervous, because if his parents got the verdict of 'not guilty', they'd most likely take yamaguchi back into that hell house by force, and then the beatings would be 10x worse. He really needed them to be found guilty. His life was at steak, because he would most likely be murdered if they weren't in jail. And if his parents didn't kill him, he'd end up killing himself. Hell, he was already on the brink of suicide when he met Tukki again. Tukki became a kind of light for yamaguchi, in a pit of pure darkness, helping him climb out like an angel. But if he ended up back to his parents, he knew that grip would be lost to the demons that were his birth givers, and the cold, clammy hand of death. 

"Tadashi." Tukishima said plainly. "we're here."

"O-oh! right." He said getting out of the car, shaking slightly. You actually wouldn't be able to notice the shaking if you weren't looking closely like tukishima was. He grabbed the sorters hand, and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"Don't worry tadashi. It'll be alright." Yams nodded hesitantly. "is something wrong?"

"I... I don't wanna go back there. I'm scared Tukki. If I end up back there, their gonna kill me! LITTERALY! And if they don't, I'm gonna end up breaking, cuz they'll start beating me harder, and I-"

"Slow down tadashi. It'll all be okay... What do you mean by 'break'? you don't mean..." Tukishima trailed off as Yams stayed silent. His silence was enough of an answer for the question partially unspoken. Yams looked at the ground, while tukishima stared at him. "Tadashi, look at me." He said sternly, with laces of concern in his voice.  Yams looked up and was pulled into a hug. "I know, your scared, but we'll get through this. Even if your parents take you back and start beating you harder, I'll be there for you okay? So hang in there." Tukki then let go of yams and looked into his forest green eyes. "I promise it will all turn out okay in the end. Just trust me. Okay?" Yams nodded his head. "Good. Now come on, we need to get going for the trial. Its starting soon. Don't want to be late for this now, do we?"

"N-no we don't."

"Exactly. And don't worry, I'll be right behind you. Literally."

"Huh? What do you mean by that?"

"I'll be seated right behind you. if your feeling nervous, just reach back, and I'll grab your hand." Yams felt his face heat up. That was one of the nicest things anyone had done for him. Ever. His heart raced, more than it already was, but he figured it was just from the anxiety he was feeling about going to trial.

"O-okay tukki!" He said smiling a little. He was scared, sure. But at least he'll have his best friend by his side through it all. 

well, more or less.

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