the full story

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i sit on the floor, and sigh. 

"litsen, take as much time as you need to tell me. this cant be easy to talk about."

"its fine, tukki. i can talk about it. ive known you for a while, and it was going to happen eventualy. besides, you came over like i asked, so i need to hold up my end." 


"i guess i owe you an explanation." tukki nods. "well it all started pretty much before i was even born. my parents didnt want kids. ive told you this before, but thing is my mom didnt even know she was pregnant, until her second trimester, when she started to get a baby bump. by then, it was too late to get an abortion, and they talked and decided, 'why not, well have someone to put our work onto when it can walk.' and so they went though with keeping me. when i was born, they pretended it was the best day ever, when it was one of the worst. they rarely fed me, only feeling me often enough to keep me alive, and rarely changed me, bathed me, or really payed attention to me. if i cried in the middle of the night, they would yell at me, until i stopped." i had a blank stare looking at the wall.

"as i got older, they kept neglecting me, but bathed me a little more often. the few things they bothered doing was teaching me to walk and talk. they made me sweep the entire house, and dust, and they would scream at me if i didnt. a few times, they would even whip me with a belt. i wasent allowed to go out and play, and was only allowed out for school. my parents taught me how to do chores, and then would be lazy, and sit around, drinking and smoking. they constantly called me things. ugly names, and would make fun if my apperance. once i got fed up and yelled back, 'well im a result of you two, so your just as ugly!'" i laughed slightly. "my dad beat me so hard, i had a broken arm, nose and several cracked ribs. i had to take care of it myself. i was only 4, and i had to learn first aid for myself, because my parents refused to take me to get treated." i sighed. 

"heck, i wasent allowed to go to a doctor unless i was really sick. then i would be yelled at for wasting money they could use on booze, ciggs, and weed. i was sent to school, and was threatened with a worse beating if i said anything bout this. at school i was bullied for how i looked. after a while that became physical. i wasnt safe at home, or at school. then i met you." i said looking at tukki. "you were a beam of light in my life, and i felt as if everything would be alright. i still feel like that tukki. you were the first friend i ever made, and i dont know where i would be without meeting you. but then..." i looked down again. "you had to leave." 

"tadashi, im sorry i had to le-"

"tukki. its fine. you didnt have a choice. besides, you gave me sammy. he was there for me, when you werent. thank you, for that." i smiled slightly at him, to reassure him, that i dont hold it against him. "this sort of things kept happening for years. my parents started locking me in the basement for days at  time, when i wasent needed for work. the only times i was treated like a human, was my birthday, or when we had company. the only times i got anything, was either my birthday, Christmas presents sent from relatives, or if i really needed things like clothes, or something for school. my parents whipped me if i failed a class. one bad grade was enough of a reason for them to beat me. somehow, they found out im gay. i dont even know how. id known it for a while, since i had interest in guys, and never girls, so i just kinda, knew. somehow, they did too." i paused. i dont want to go on, but i owe it to him to tell. "and so, my parents started beating me harder, trying to and i quote; 'beat the gay out of you, you faggot.' i was 12 when they found out, and my dad..." i trailed off. 

"tadashi its okay. you can tell me. if you want you can come here?" i nod and get up, and sit on the ground, between his legs. he held me, seeing as he wasent elevated very much. "can you go on, or do you want to stop?" i shake my head. 

"n-no, its fine. m-my dad... he started r-raping me..." i started crying slightly, and tukki held me tighter. "i started stealing my parents money, beer, ciggerettes, so i could escape for a while. i feel awful about it, but besides cutting it was the only way i could escape, and i feel awful about that." he seems a little suprised, but rocks me slightly. the one thing i didnt mention, was i also stole their weed sometimes. i have a feeling hes recording, but i could be wrong. but still better safe, then sorry.

"tadashi... were gonna work on that... okay?" i nod. 

"i stole their money, and bought some food, some bottles of water, a first aid kit, and things to keep it stocked, painkillers, and razors. my parents would notice if those were going down faster than normal. it was probably one of the few things they would notice. my dad would break bottles over my head, my mother would extinguish her ciggeretes against my skin, and they would both refure to me with slurs, and names. they blame me for causing their life to be ruined, and them not being fanatically stable. they know i cut, but they dont care. if anything their happy im doing that." i keep crying. "i wish i could get away from it all. once i get out of high school, im finding a job far away from them, and cutting them out of my life. i just have to last a few more years."

"no." i turn and look at tukki. 


"your not staying here for another day. pack your things, your staying with me. this house isnt safe for you tadashi." i nod. i get up, and pack all my things, wich still, all fit in one bag. i grab the weed, and put it back in my parents stash. 

"im just gonna return some of the money i took from my parents. ill be back in a minute."

"fine, just hurry." i nod, and go into my parents room, dumping the small bag of weed into the rest. i get out, and tukki grabs me dragging me to his house, my crow plushie in arms, while i grab sammy.

a new part to my life. one without my parents, and with the guy im slightly crushing on. 

im exited! 

(edited for grammar and spelling)

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