the police

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the hospital noticed all the things and called in cps, and the cops. two ladies came to me while i was on my way to visit tadashi. "can i help you?"

"yes were working on the tadashi yamaguchi case. i understand that you were with him, admiting him for broken bones. the doctors have found evidence of rape, burns and what seems to be whip marks. we would like to ask you some questions."

"yeah sure." they brought me to a secluded room. 

"this conversation will be recorded for court. please state all that you know. would you like a lawyer?"

"am i allowed to change my mind later?" one of the people there nodded. "then no, not for the time."

"alright then. so, what do you know about what happened?"

"I dont know too much, only what he told me. i live next to him, and the day we brought him to the hospital, we heard a loud crash coming from his house. later i was in my room and we both left our curtains open. my room is right across from his, so i could see quite a bit. he came into his room, badly bruised and bloody, while limping, and sat down against his door. he started crying. some parts were a lot darker than other parts. there were a lot of scars on his arms and legs. after a while he stood up and went to his bathroom. thats when i saw long scars on his back, along with some small round ones. those ones looked fairly fresh. 

"his nose was dark purple and bloody, and he had marks around his neck and collarbone. after a while i saw him bandage himself, and thats when he saw me. he opened his window, i opened mine and i told him that he better start explaining. he tried not to, but i wasent buying it. we stayed there for five minutes. then i came over. he told me about what was happening, since he owed me an explanation. he did agree to tell me, and after he told me, i told him to pack his things."

"and why was that?"

"he was being beaten, malnourashed and raped! what was i supposed to do? let him continue to be a victim?!"

"do you have any evidence? we do believe you, but if you have any evidence, please, let us know." i thought about it for a minute.

"i do. i went to his house after we put him in here, and took pictures around. there was a lot of blood." i said slightly shuddering at the memory. "i took several photos, and recorded a short video of the state of the house. also, when i was on my way over the first time, i started recording audio. i got a confession of possession, and the father, in a drunken state, admitted to raping his son." the ladies looked at me shocked. "what?"

"how the heck did you manage to gather all of that?!" one of them said.

"no forget that, how did you know to record it?!"

"well, i figured if i gave you two the conversation i recorded between me and tadashi, he wouldent have to relive it later. i started recording on the way, since i didnt want him to catch me setting up the recording. i honestly, didnt expect the father to admit those things. it was dumb luck really."

"well then you hit the fucking jackpot kid." the lady in the police outfit said. "thanks to you, we've got enough evidence to put them in custody. theres not enough evidence that the mother was part of it sadly. trust me i want her behind bars too, since i dont doubt you about the fact she was also a part of it." she sighed but smiled slightly. "but we should have enough for possession for both of them."

"we'll need a place to foster him, since he cant go back there. lindsey here will send some officers to arrest them, but when yamaguchi gets discharged, he'll need a place to stay. now we can organize a foster home-"



"no. he can stay with me and my family. trust me, he'll be safe there."

"but its so close to-"

"i know. but his parents will be gone. he hasent been living in that house for too long. a few weeks at most. the house shouldn't hold too many memories, so he should be fine. he trusts me, so he should be best with me."

the ladies looked at each other. "alright kid. but he'll be fostered there. he will be up for adoption, so know that."

"yes, i understand."

"alright, and we're done. you can go and head over to him."

"thank you." and with that i left to go see tadashi.

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