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after school me and tukki were walking home, seeing as we live next to eachother, and tukki said that they were coming over around 5:30, and if i could tell my parents that, it would be great. i agreed to let my 'parents' know when they were coming over. we got home, and since my parents didnt know when they were coming over, they didnt want to risk getting caught abusing me, so for the first time in a long time, i wasn't greeted by a glass bottle flying at my head! i decided to not tell them when they were coming, and just finished cleaning up, as my parents ordered, and i went upstairs to change when i was done. i took a shower, put on some casual clothes, and worked on my homework. i didnt feel stressed, so i felt no need to smoke at the time being, but sprayed my room with air freshener, and washed my sheets and sammy, along with my pillow. they needed it anyways. 

when i was satisficed, i was told to make dinner. i didnt want to rebel, so i made pasta. they said i could make whatever, they didnt care. they just wanted to smoke and drink. but they couldn't seeing as (as far as they know,) the neighbors could come over any minute. they always tried to keep an image as a perfect family. they made it seem like all was good, and that they loved me, and that they weren't drug addicts and alcoholics. i put sammy and the rest of my laundry in this morning, and as soon as i got home, i put them in the dryer. i pick up sammy, while hes wet and look at the dino plushie. he has a 1.5 foot long body with a green body, and yellow spine along his back. i always wondered why that kid gave him to me, but i never questioned it much. after all, what are the chances ill meet him again anyways?

it was almost 4 when the dryer was finished, and i made my bed, and places sammy on my bed, after giving him a hug. sammy was the only one who really was there for me growing up. well, that kid was there for me for a couple of years, but i never told him abut the things my parents are doing, because i was scared. i miss the kid. i wish he didnt have to move away, but he didnt have a choice. i dont know where i would be now though if i hadent met the kid. id have probably committed suicide by now if i hadnt met that kid. i wouldn't have sammy. sammy is a reminder that ill always have a friend somewhere in the world. and i always have sammy for comfort. i know someone will always be there for me, even if i dont know their name anymore. its kept me going, the hope that i might find him one day. plus, only a few more years of this, and i can get out of this hellhole i call a house.

i look at my phone, and see its 5:15, and i put my phone in my pocket, heading downstairs. i sat on the couch, just doing nothing for a while. i looked around, at how little my parents really cared abut me. there are so many pictures of my parents together, like their wedding picture, several dates, and just some good times they had in the past. there were also panting my mom made in her teen years, and some she made more recently, all of them framed. there were some posters for movie franchises my parents both likes, and i like them too, since i would always watch them on my own, since i wasent allowed to use the tv. its not noticeable at first glance, but if you really look, and try and find one person, you wont find them. because there are no photos of said person. the only trace of them, is a blandly decorated room, with sketch outlines, on one wall, (the rest were getting posters) and a little residue of old scribbles on the coffee table from when they were very young, and said person got a serious beating for it, and they were black and blue for a month. there are no printed photos of this person, and it was almost like they never existed in the first place.

this person, was me. 

my parents had no pictures of me at all. if i wasent in the house, you probably wouldn't even know i existed. it was a constant reminder of how little my family cared about me. i sighed, softly, and quietly. the doorbell rang getting me out of my thoughts. "tadashi dear, would you get the door?" my mother said with fake sweetness lacing her tone, since it could be heard. oh, yeah i almost forgot. my parents actualy use my name when he have guests, instead of calling me things like 'bitch', 'whore', 'slut', 'brat,' mistake', etc etc, when we have company. 

"yeah mom." i said as i went and opened the door. "hello!" i said with a cheery tone. i love having people over, because then my family is sober, and i cant be abused in any way for a while. tukki waked in after his parents. "het tukki!" i said with a smile. it was actually genuine, since he makes me fell safest, and when i feel safe, i feel happy. 

"hey yamaguchi." i honestly dont mind if he wanted to call me by my first name, but if he dosent want to, its fine. our parents were chatting and tukki and i were chatting too about ourselves to see what else we had in common, and things we liked in general. we were talking for a little while, when we heard my father calling for us.

"boys! dinner!"

"okay!" we got up and walked to the dinner table, and my father asked them what drinks they wanted, while i served dinner. 

"this is really good!" tukkis mom said. my mom took the credit for the meal, as per usual, her knowing she did absolutly nothing, but sit her ass on the sofa, watching tv, while i was cooking dinner for 6 people. nothing new. my mom always took credit for the cooking when there was company. 

we all chatted, and soon enough dinner was gone. out parents wanted to hang out for a while, and so me and tukki went up to my room. im glad i hid all my things, like the weed, cigarettes', ashtray, and beer. "okay so my room is really bland, just so you know." 

"alright. come on lets go in." i opened my door, and smiled, seeing sammy again, walking over to my bed, and hugging him. i didnt notice the look of shock on tukkis face. 

"this is-"

"sammy..." i look up at him confused.

"yeah! how did you know?"

"yamaguchi... where did you get that dinosaur plushie?"

"well, the kid i was telling you about gave him to me, before he moved away. why?"

"thats the dinosaur i gave to a kid, before I moved away..." my eyes went wide, realizing what that ment.

"your that kid?" we said at the same time... "maybe." we looked at eachother.

"gomen tukki."

"okay. there's a very good chance, lets see. do we remember any of the same things with each other?"

"i remember playing in the park with the kid."

"i do too, but thats a memory anyone could have."

"well, whats one you have."

"well, i remember how i met the kid. a group of three guys were beating him up. i called them lame, and they got mad, but they were so scared of me, they ran away. the kid and i became friends after that."

"okay, yep same memory, except from my point of veiw."

we sat in silence on my mattress for about a minute, and then said at the same time, "thats why you're sop familiar!"

there was no doubt about it. it was him. the kid who was my only friend growing up. 

we found each other again, and im so happy, i cant stop smiling.  hug him, without thinking about it. he stiffens up, but returns the hug.

"i knew id find you again." i said with a bright smile as i pulled away from the hug. tukki chuckled. 

"i hoped i would. im glad i did."

new kid on the block (tukkiyama)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora