One More Minute

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Author's note: Hey everyone! Happy station 19 day! Can't believe we are going on a hiatus again, and so I have a little something for you to pass the time. This is M rated for smut. 
I do have a request to make. I know some people are really enthusiastic about my fics and I love and appreciate it more than you all know, but please don't be rude to other fic writers, especially not on my account, and especially not to someone I consider one of my closest friends in this fandom. 
Be kind, and if you have something to say to me you can always PM me. 
Anyway, that's it, hope you enjoy it! 


Andy notices him when she first steps out of the shower.

She can't help it, her eyes drawn to his tall form, his presence filling the room and taking her breath away, makes her heart skip a beat before it starts racing twice as fast as it did before, way too fast than she thinks a human heart should pulse. She clutches the little toiletry bag she has in her hands, and tries to come up with something to say as her mind suddenly decides to betray her and goes completely black.

It has been a month.

It has been a month since they have been separated, but it has been longer since the last time she had him between her thighs, on an early morning hour just before they had to report in for another shift. It was the last few moments to be somewhat normal and simple in her life, the last few moments of complete and utter bliss, before her father died and her world started to collapse into itself. And if she had known, if she had the slightest idea that after that morning, her world would never be the same, she might have stayed in that bed with him, asking Robert to make her feel one last time before they had to go.

She hasn't had sex for almost two months now, and her husband stands in front of her with nothing but a towel covering only a very small part of his body. Her gaze flickers across his abs and his chest, traveling every piece of skin as she is trying to remember how it felt under her touch, under her fingertips caressing slowly every perfectly shaped muscle.

This man is going to be her undoing.

"Hey." He lets out at the sight of her, sounding as breathless as she feels as he brings her back from the very inappropriate lead her thoughts were following. "I... I can come back."

"No, no, no." She is quick to dismiss the notion. It is ridiculous, they work together, they will need to learn how to live with each other three days a week, without feeling that overwhelming need to touch that keeps rising goosebumps on her skin every time she catches him at the edge of her glance. "I am done. The water is warm so..."

He needs to go, needs to disappear into the shower so she can get dressed at the speed of light and make her way to Maya's apartment, where it is safe and he isn't there and she won't feel that wet feeling between her thighs and that warm sensation deep inside her lower belly.

She is a mess, and they haven't done anything other than look at each other.

"Good. Um... I just had the worst first shift." He rubs his head as he talks. He seems tense, like this day had him beaten down, and she can't leave her husband like that, even though every second that passes makes the ache between her legs grow deeper.

"Do you want to talk to me about it?" Andy suggests. She wants to lift some of this burden off her husband's shoulders, even if it means she will have to fight the urge to wrap her arms around his neck and bring him down to kiss her like she never fought anything inside of her before.

She has to do it for his sobriety, she reminds herself. Has to do it so she will be able to love him every day for the rest of his life, just as she vowed to do the day they got married.

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