The Start of Something New

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Author's note: Hey everyone!

I got things fixed for you!
WARNING AGAIN: this is M rated and contains adult content, even more so than the darkness one. Read at you own risk.
You will get what episode this specific fic takes place in in no time
Hope you enjoy and leave me your thoughts!


"What do you want?" Sullivan asks, and when he gives her that look, she understands.

They want the exact same thing.

They want each other.

If someone would have told her she would feel this way toward her captain when he just arrived at the station, Andy would have laughed, probably dismissing the notion by calling said person absolutely crazy. But time has passed, and a friendship grew where once nothing but hatred could be found.

And after two near death experiences, she can't help but think how easy it will be if she just let herself fall in love with him.

Or maybe she already did.

She reaches her hands out, grabs his face and kisses him as if her life depends on it. He isn't surprised, isn't taken aback even for a moment, like he read her mind and knew exactly what she was about to do.

As if he knew she can't keep that fire they both feel when they are around each other under control for much longer.

Andy's eyes are closed as she lets herself enjoy the kiss fully, and she can feel him wrap one long arm around her shoulders. She hums her approval as he slides his tongue into her mouth, deepening the kiss.

Then she disconnects herself from Robert, trying to breath in as much air as possible.

Andy Herrera is not the woman to play around, and if she wants something, anything at all, she is more than willing to be bold and ask for it. She is not the kind to sit around and wait to see if a man fulfills her desires, but for some reason, with him, saying the words is harder than usual. "You know, we are standing in the middle of the barn, and I would really hate for anyone from B shift to see us making out like a couple of horny teenagers." She gives him the best smile she can master, eager to hear his response.

And then his lips meet hers again. This kiss is hungrier, a kiss they both know will lead to something more. They make their way blindly in the direction of the Captain's office, so wrapped up in each other they barely arrive at their destination.

He pushes her in, and she stumbles on top of him, until he has her pinned against one of the walls. They both burst into a fit of laughter, and it might be the danger, the feeling that someone can walk in and catch them literally with their pants down at any given moment, which sends a shiver of excitement and anticipation down her spine, and only then she understands just how much she wants him.

This man is going to be the end of her.

They resume kissing in no time, and suddenly his hands are everywhere. On her hips, on her butt, undoing her belt with one swift move, and she can't help but sigh softly when his lips find her neck. They never stop moving, making their way towards the little bunk, as she lifts his shirt up, and with a little bit of help from Robert it is gone, leaving him naked from the waist up.

She can't help but give his abdomen a once over, admiring every muscle, every piece of exposed skin. He looks like some kind of a statue, a drawing, a supermodel.

His hand holds on to her neck, not harshly enough to suffocate her, but with enough force to convey his message, loud and clear.

He wants to have control.

Little Things - Surrera One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora