Chapter three

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That guy is Alexander by the way >_>


I'm mated to the monster who made me an orphan, who killed my parents who made my best friend turn into a monster and take advantage of me. He took a step towards me, I took a step back,he took another step,I took another back. "Hey princess why are you walking away from me?" My hand was raised and I was filled with anger "I'm going to ask you something and I want you to answer, ok" he nodded "anything princess" "Where you in charge seven years ago, specifically the day blood moon first declared war on my pack?"

He nodded "yes my birthday was a few weeks after that so i was practically sixteen already my dads beta decided it was time he handed the position to me, I was too young when my dad passed to take the position" my heart sang out to him and I wanted to comfort him as he told this story because I saw in his face it was hard for him to tell this story. He sat down on the bed with one hand slightly covering his mouth and the other left to hang off of his leg.

Every bone in my body urged me to go close to him and hold him but I couldn't give in.

"I was eight when he died, ironic how he died three days after my mom died. Everyone said because he lost him mate he was spiralling out of reality. So when he handed down the position to me he said I need to make sure everyone knows I'm the boss, he told me about the attack so i said well lets just go in first" his face wipped of all emotion and was hard as a rock.

My face became hard as well "well I guess that made us both orphans" his face looked up towards mine but our eyes don't meet. "That day.. my parents went off to fight... they didn't come back" tears were briming on the edge of my eyes but I refused to let them fall. Without my notice he was suddenly right next to me "I know this won't make up for it, but for what its worth" I looked up too meet his stunning dark grey eyes "I'm sorry"he said while embracing me into a tight hug. One tear managed to escape my grasp as well as a sob from my mouth.

Then all the tears came lose.

He didn't stop me.

He didn't ask any questions and neither did I.

We both just enjoyed the sad moment together as he held me close to him.

And when I looked in his eyes I felt the sweet pull of my mate begging for me to be close to him.


He held me close to him though I was done crying long ago, so I just held him in my arms. It felt so right just to touch him, the small sparks in my hands as I would rub a small part of his back occasionally. "I haven't cried like that in forever" I said piling back to look at Alexander's face, our foreheads touching. "I'm just so glad I found you princess, now I can have some light within my life again" he said with a smile. He moved closer to me, my eyes wide open with slight fear and embarrassment of what he might do until, there was a knock on the door.

He growled at the door sending small waves of fear into me making me flinch away slightly and him shooting an apologetic look towards me, but I still saw the annoyance behind his mesmerizing grey eyes.

"Come in" he said not breaking eye contact with me yet still fully in command. "I'm sorry to bother you alpha but, everyone's wondering why a strange sent is in the pack house, everyone knows the pack house is just for some in blood moon" the man said "yes John I'm fully aware of that" Alexander said to him breaking eye contact giving John a very annoyed look. "Well I went looking and it lead here, so we were kinda hoping for an explanation if you don't mind sir."

"Pack meeting. Everyone in the living room, and only us original blood moons this time John" John nodded and left the room.

Alexander turned to me and said "I have to go for a few minutes ok angel" I nodded "don't leave the room I'll be back soon ok" I nodded again. He turned his back to me and being the obedient girl I am, I stayed in the room.

Then it all finally registered.

My mate is one of the most powerful alphas in the world, a murdering lunatic who at a young age decided to slaughter my pack to make a statement.

Was I mad, nah I wasn't mad at all. I mean sure he may have killed my parents made me an orphan and potentially ruined my life but hey I wasn't mad.

Fuck I was furious.


A/N: yes I know very short chapter but I didn't want to keep you all waiting for too long. Yes I know the chapters have been ending in her saying she was mad lately but don't worry things are ganna happen in the next chapter for sure, a lot of THINGS. Untill next time milk and cookies


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