Chapter seventeen

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I sat at my desk doing rather boring paper work, instead of looking for Aubry like I normally do now a days. While I'd much rather be looking for my mate, my pack is what's here now.

I let out a groan of frustration, I'm already tired of paper work and I've only been doing it for two hours. I haven't even gotten through half of it yet, I hate being alpha when it comes down to paper work. A soft knock was heard at my door "come in" I said my voice stern.

Nicole walked in looking hesitant to tell me something. "Yes, what is it Nicole?" She looked at the floor and fidgeted under my gaze,

Pfft Weakling  my wolf snickered causing me to laugh internally. "Well, um you see sir, umm I mean Alexander. I was wondering if you would accompany me somewhere later this evening" she said still fidgeting, her gaze stuck to the floor cheeks blazing red.

"Nicole look at me" she rose her head to reveal a red face. I got up and walked towards her, she was a foot apart from me as I leaned down only inches away from her face. I smiled a sweet smile "Nicole" I said her name sweetly "yes Alexander" she said still bright red but her gaze and body now seemed at ease. "You have three hours to get out of pack grounds." I said as sweet as I could still smiling as I walked away, showing her my back. Her expression dropped, her shoulders slumped "b-but-" she said stuttering until I cut her off "I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT YOU SLIMY, SKIMPY WHORE" I said my eyes turning into the shade of midnight black. She ran out and closed the door behind her.



After that little turn of events I went back to doing paper work again. The sun was already low in the sky, I sat in my chair wondering what my lovely mate was up to, 'I miss you love'  I said to myself in our link knowing she couldn't hear me.

Suddenly my third in command bursted through the door. "ALPHA!" he yelled "mind your volume pup!" I said power leaking in my voice making him bow his head and apologize. "Sir a rouge has entered into pack grounds" I sighed "and? Kill him or did you idiots forget that was your job"

I knew I was being an asshole, but could you blame me, my beautiful mate was gone and my wolf was on edge. "But sir, he has information on our Luna, your mate" my eyes widened at what he had said. Before anyone could blink I was a foot away from him "bring him to me this instant"


"Get in their mut!" One of my warriors said throwing the kid in front of me. "Now that's not any way to treat your guests now is it" the boy said with surprisingly pale skin for for a wolf and silver short hair and green eyes. "Why you little-" I Rose my hand telling him to stop. "I apologize for any foul behavior my warriors have displayed, now I believe you have information on my mate and the Luna of this pack Aubry, correct?"

"Yeah, she's really nice your one lucky dude" he said smiling. My wolf was on edge and this kid isn't making it any better "well?" I said almost yelling. "Whoa whoa hold on, one condition, I get to stay for a while and see if my mate is in your pack" you've got to be kidding me. "No, now tell me the information or die" I said my canes extending. "She said you'd say that, in my back pocket theirs a note for you dear Alex, take it and read it" he said with a smirk on his face, fresh kid he's got balls I'll give him that, to bad he's ganna die. Going into his back pocket I pulled out a note and unfolded it.


Its me Aubry, I'm sorry I left I really am but I had to. If I had stayed the pack would be in danger. That man you had a meeting with was one of the men who's done horrible things to me and they threatened to destroy my old pack at the time. I knew if I stayed  they would kill everyone in the pack, I had to leave I couldn't let history repeat. I'm safe and with people who care about me and won't let anything happen to me. Riku the boy your with now left in search of his mate and I had asked him to deliver this note to you in hopes his mate would be in our pack. Please let him search, I will return soon with the people who have let me stay with them after this threat forgets about me OK. I love you Alex.

Love Aubry

I couldn't believe what I was reading, this was Aubrys note for sure I could smell her all over it. "Your free to go Riku, stay for however long you like and search for your mate." I said not looking up from the letter. My warriors untied him and gave me worried looks "thank you alpha Alexander" Riku said to me. I looked up finally at him, "no thank you, thank you so much for this" he nodded. "If it makes you feel any better she spaces out alot, and has a sad look on her face when she watches TV or does anything, and whenever she smiles you could just tell it could be brighter" he said giving me a weak smile.

"Where is she?" Riku frowned, "she told me not to tell you"

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