chapter eight

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Mystery alpha?!??
(Written in Third person)

"Sir! We've finally located her!" Said one of the many man servants the dark alpha had. He smiled in delight showing his razor sharp teeth.

"Good its about time we found her, my little mate." The man servant looked up at him with worry in his eyes and sweat practically shooting down his face, making his mood turn sour.

"What is it!?! Why are you still here!" The small man swallowed, hesitant to speak "well sir, she is staying with an alpha, specifically alpha Alexander." The small man said taking his leave, to scared to see his alphas reaction.

The dark alpha's eyes burned with fire and rage, his eyes now completely black. The alpha getting up from his seat throwing his chair across the room shattering it into tiny pieces, along with a dresser the size of a grizzly bear.

The alpha roared with anger hitting anything in sight, while others cowered far away from the growling and snarling erupting from within the large house.

"EVERY LOW LIFE TRACKER IN HERE NOW!" He yelled having every tracker with his pack in his room so fast you couldn't even blink.

They all bowed there heads and waited for commands. "I want to know where his pack is, I want to know how many patrols they go on, I want to know who the warriors are and, I wanna know their mates, I want pictures of this alermander dude or whatever and her together or separate. I want to know anything and everything on them is that clear!" The dark alpha bellowed "Yes alpha!" They said before scurrying off to do as they were told, leaving the dark man alone.

"Oh Aubrey, stupid, stupid Aubrey, everyone is dead now so there's no one left to protect you, I use to play with you when you were just a little girl when it was just you and me and I showed you the amazing feel to darkness." The man said picking up a picture of Aubrey.

"Then that stupid alpha caught us having fun, I was your only friend, but I bet you don't even remember me." He began to laugh

"I showed you all the dirty things you know now, I bet your using it on him like the filthy slut you are!" He said getting angry

"But that's ok, I like you being a little slut, now I get to kill who ever you were with. In fact, just thinking about it gets me off." He said taking his member into his hand while holding the picture in the other and began to straddle it. Moaning her name and slight threats simultaneously.


O_o well then isn't he creepy...

Hey there kitties I was, again, supposed to write a really long chapter but the way life was set up I was with my family all day today and I haven't seen them in years so I spent today doing catch up with them. So SORRY!
How do you guys like this creepy character. In all honesty I wasn't ganna so this but the story need a little twist and no one knows what's ganna happen. EXCEPT FOR MEEEEE!! :) LOL so yeah I'm sorry for the short chapter and the excuse but hey at least u gave you something new here and not nothing at all. I would have wrote more but it is currently 3:27am. And I have school tmmr so for anyone who was waiting for something you will get something on Wednesday because my spring break starts then so yipy! Thank you for reading and voting it means a lot to me.
Milk and cookies.

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