Sci becomes Fatal_Error

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First adoption of this story can be found on 'The Path laid Bare' -> One-shot Factory by Firehedgehog


Because of the CPAU event, Sci know what's his future. This knowledge automatically makes him change the timeline, forming his own Aftertale copy. He refuses to give up like After and Geno, though. He really likes Red and doesn't want to change from Sci, to fade away as another number, another copy.

Not original.

He starts doing a lot of research, neglecting himself and every relationship he had. Red doesn't get why Sci is spiraling like this, but he tries to help Sci out and support him anyways, unknowingly just reinforcing Sci's determination to research.

After the first genocide happens on Sci's timeline (the ones done by Flowey), Sci's code changes and he adopts the Aftertale Sans look and attributes. He knows his soul didn't split and probably won't until the human starts spamming genocide routes. He had theorized that when he became an After Sans, his Sci essence would fade away, so he doesn't get why he got to keep his memories and feelings for Red intact, not that he's complaining.

Sci and Red meet and Red at first doesn't believe him when he says who he is. Sci feels hurt, more so when he sees Red looking for Sci, yet he is right there. Resigned, he gives up and adopts the name Aftermath. Since After is taken, he uses Math for short.

He tries to ignore the Multiverse as a whole, focusing on trying to split his timeline so it gets to be its own AU when the Aftertale events take place and he becomes Geno. He doesn't know how to fee about that, especially because he knew the original Geno went missing years ago. 

Frustrated, he settles for looking over the timeline. And one day, Error attacks him.

They fight, their codes glitch and Math Geno becomes Fatal Error because his code had recognized Error as the original Geno. But his mind got too messed up on the process to comprehend anything.

He doesn't want anything to do with Error, with Geno, with Aftertale in general. He just wants to be Sci again, darn it!

Meanwhile, Red is still looking, not willing to stop searching for Sci. And shut up, Reaper, he doesn't want to be part of the mysteriously disappeared mates club!

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