Ch. 42: Finally Discharged

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Your POV
7 months later

I’m excited. The cast on my upper leg was removed yesterday, and I would be discharged from the hospital today. Luckily, I don’t even need therapy because my recovery was pretty quick and I can walk fine when we tested it out yesterday. I’m in the same old hospital room, and the doctor is just making a few last checks on my injuries to make sure I’m completely fine. When he’s done, I thank him and he leaves the room and I’m left in the room with Dahyun. Once the doctor’s out the door, I look at Dahyun with a nervous look.

Y/N: Is Moonbin...

Before I could continue my sentence, Dahyun smiles brightly and walks over to me.

Dahyun: Oh, don’t worry about him. You’ll also see him today, anyway!

I give Dahyun a suspecting look. For some reason, she seems really excited about something... and it sure doesn’t seem to be about me being discharged.

Y/N: Is something up? You seem overly excited today.

Dahyun’s eyes suddenly widen and she laughs nervously.

Dahyun: W-what? I am? I mean, of course I’d be excited! You’re being discharged after all! I mean, hey, finally, we can hang out!

Dahyun smiles widely at me.

Yup. Something’s definitely up.

I was sitting on the hospital bed, and I stand up. Suddenly, Dahyun comes over to me to support me but I narrow my eyes at her before she could get near. She laughs nervously when I do so then step back.

Dahyun: Mianhae, I’m just used to it already.

I look at Dahyun for a while, then chuckle and smile playfully at her.

Y/N: Eomma~

An annoyed expression instantly forms on Dahyun’s face and I laugh as she hits my shoulder.

Dahyun: Yah! I told you to stop calling me that!

Y/N: Yeah, yeah...
Dahyun then steps back, and sighs in frustration as she places one hand on her hip.

Dahyun: Have you eaten lunch, yet?

I look at Dahyun for a second, then shake my head.

Y/N: Not yet, eomma~

Dahyun threatens to hit me again and I step back while laughing. When I’m done laughing, I look at Dahyun with a confused look.

Y/N: But don’t you think it’s already too late for lunch?

I gesture towards the wall clock hanging over the bed and Dahyun looks towards it. It’s almost 3 o’ clock, definitely late for lunch, but Dahyun looks at me and smiles brightly.

Dahyun: That’s okay. Let’s have lunch at my house!

I look at Dahyun suspiciousy for a second, then shrug.

Y/N: Sure, why not?

Dahyun then links arms with me excitedly and we walk out of the hospital. I was kinda expecting to see the others when we step out of the hospital room or even the hospital building, but when I see no one, I feel disappointed.

Y/N: Where are the others? Have they heard about me?

Dahyun: I told you, don’t worry. You’ll see them soon, anyway.

I look towards Dahyun and she smiles brightly at me.

Soon enough, we’re at her house and we had just finished eating our very late lunch at exactly 4:00. I volunteered to wash the dishes and so Dahyun went to her room to “prepare something”. When I’m finally done washing, I turn away from the sink to suddenly see Dahyun standing behind me and smiling at me like Chucky. (A/N: or Annabelle if that's what you thought of.😆)

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