Ch. 2: The Big Three

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Soon enough, Dahyun and I have already toured the whole school and now we’re leaving the library
when I notice the time on the wall clock.

7:48. We should be going back to our classroom now.

I then turn to Dahyun.

Y/N: Uh... it’s almost 10 minutes before the start of classes. Shouldn’t we be going back like what
Yeonjun said?

Dahyun’s face suddenly lights up.

Dahyun: Oh, yeah. We have to go back now!

Dahyun suddenly starts pulling me and I struggle to keep up with her. Soon enough, we’re at another part of the school, but not really our classroom.

Y/N: So... why are we here? I mean, this isn’t really our classroom, you know.

Dahyun then smiles brightly at me and I look around to see other students coming out of their

Dahyun: I know. But it’s not like anyone’s gonna be in their classrooms for now. Besides, who would
want to miss the Big Three?

I look at Dahyun with a questioning look.

Y/N: “The Big Three”?

Dahyun: Yup! Remember what I told you about TXT? That group is one of those. Oh, and Minhyuk’s a
member of another group! You know, that dude we almost bumped into. He’s a member of Astro.

Suddenly, I realize that the hallway is already filled with many students. It’s like every student in the
building came her just to see... what? The “Big Three”? Suddenly, Dahyun nudges me and I turn to her to see her jumping excitedly.

Dahyun: Here they come!

I then tutn back to the hallway and see 7 boys walk into the hallway as if they were kings or something. I suddenly hear the students talking and screaming. Some of the girls are even shouting out to the guys
walking in the center of the hallway.

Girl: Oppa! Over here!

Girl 2: Look here, oppa!

What the- What’s with these people? Who are these guys anyway?

Suddenly, Dahyun speaks as if she read what’s on my mind.

Dahyun: These guys are BTS. The leader is Kim Namjoon. He’s the one walking infront of the group.

I look towards the person walking infront of the group.

So he's the leader of this group. They seem to really like the attention they're getting.

Dahyun: These guys are really good-looking but not really the nicest of them all. But even so, they’re still
heartthrobs in this school. My advice to you, though, stay away from Namjoon. He’s the meanest of
them all.

I watch as BTS walk through the crowd as if the hallway is a runway. Some of the members are even
smirking as they walk by.

Dahyun: Oh, here comes TXT!

I then turn back to where BTS came from and see a smaller group walking in the center of the crowd. The students start becoming noisy again and I feel like my ears are gonna explode. I then notice that all
of them are smiling to the crowd except for the one walking infront.

Dahyun: This is TXT. The leader is Choi Soobin. He’s the tallest one among them. Oh, and he’s also in our class!

Dahyun smiles playfully at me and I look towards the group. Suddenly, I notice Yeonjun in the group and
he suddenly turns to me, smiles, then nods. I then smile back and nod as they pass by.

Love Maze: 18 Exits (BTS X Reader X Astro X TXT) [COMPLETED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant