Sam throws her head back and yells.


"Sam, I-I'm talking about my powers, my problems?" Danny reminds.

"Oh, right. Me too...."

Danny sighs.

"It's been a month since the accident and I still have barely any control! If somebody catches me-"

Danny starts sinking into the floor while Sam and Tucker watch.

"-I go from geek to freak around here!"

Tucker raises an eyebrow.

"Kinda like what you're doing right now?"

Danny suddenly realizes his lower half became intangible, causing him to sink. He yelps before Sam and Tucker help him out. His feet and lower half return to normal. Sam and Tucker follow him up the rest of the stairs.

"Gah, darn it! If my dad can invent something that accidentally made me half-ghost, why can't he invent something that turns me back to normal?"

He becomes intangible and walks through a snack machine without paying any attention.

Sam runs over and Danny's body returns to normal.

"Danny, your powers make you unique. Unique is good! That's why I'm an ultra recyclo-vegetarian."

"Which means what?" Tucker questions.

"She doesn't eat anything with a face on it." Danny explains.

"Oh, who cares about that stuff? Danny, two words: meat connoisseur."

Tucker sniffs the air around Danny.

"Last night, you had Sloppy Joes."

Danny smirks at him.


"Meat heightens the senses, and my all-meat streak is fourteen years strong."

"...And it's about to end. The school board finally agreed to try a new cafeteria menu. I wore them down." Sam expresses.

"Wait... What did you do?"

Sam looks as Aero approaches the three.

"If you tell anyone, it should be Aero. I'm sure her dad could help us out, without dissecting you."

They all look over as Aero walks up next to Tucker.

"Hey guys."

They smile.


Tucker grabs Aero's shoulders.

"What has Sam done?! Did she tell you?"

She blinks and moves his hands off of her. She looks at Sam.

"No. What did you do?"

Sam smirks.

Soon in the cafeteria; A big banner, above the lunch line, states that this week is 'Ultra Recyclo-Vegetarian' week. The lunch lady gives what looks like grass on bread to a student, and then one to Danny. Aero had a packed lunch so she was waiting at the table.

"What is this? Grass on a bun?"

Tucker leans over and dramatically shouts to Sam


"Tucker, it's time for a change.

Sam holds up the grass on a bun in her hand. They walk over to the table and sit with Aero, she's already eating a sandwich. Danny has some of the grass on a bun on his spoon and seems to be debating whether to eat it or not.

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