Double Cross My Heart

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Danny, Sam, and Tucker sitting at a booth in the Nasty Burger. Sam and Tucker are eating, while Danny is sitting next to Sam, with a grin on his face.

"Danny, if you're going to drool, would you mind not doing it over my tofu soy melt?"

He was looking over at Aero, talking to Valerie as she's getting off from her shift.

"Drool on a tofu soy melt isn't drool; it's seasoning."

Sam grumbles and moves her tray away from her. Tucker gives Danny a look.

"Seriously, Danny. How long are you gonna be this obsessed with Aero? You guys have been dating for a year now."

Danny sighs and smiles.

"I just care about her a lot and when I see her, I can't help but smile. And that feeling should never fade."

Sam sighs and sips her soda.

"To be honest, if I ever get into a relationship, I'd want it to be like yours."

Tucker smirks.

"So, you want a relationship, huh, Sam? Want to do the kissy kis-"

Sam throws her soda at Tucker's face and crosses her arms. Danny sighs.

"All I know is, you'll never catch me going googly-eyed over some-"

Sam stops as Mr. Lancer and a teenage boy walk in.

"Ooh, my."

Sam gets a dreamy grin on her face. Lancer and the boy walk over to the group. The boy has spiky white hair, a gold earring, shades, and white & black clothing.

"Ah, there you children are. This is Gregor, an exchange student visiting us from...Hungary?"

Tucker offers his hamburger to Gregor.

"No, thank you. I have already eaten."

Sam giggles. Danny rolls his eyes and whispers to her.

"Never, huh?"

She gives him a look.

"Shut up."

Gregor looks at the three.

"There is only so many opening lines you can use when you're actually from Hungary."

"Great. You're getting along, and I don't get paid for overtime. You kids have fun, Bye!"

Lancer leaves.

"So, did you actually eat?"

"Yes, but not here. I doubt there's anything I would like to eat here. I don't eat anything with a face on it because I'm ultra-recyclo vegetarian." Gregor explains.

Sam perks up.

"Ultra-recyclo vegetarian?"

Gregor holds out his hand. Sam puts hers in his and he sniffs it. He blinks and smiles a bit.

"Tofu soy melt. Excellent choice, Miss..."

"Manson. Sam Manson. It's short for Samantha, but my friends call me Sam. You can call me Sam, too. Why am I still talking? I am such a spazz."

Gregor scoffs and sits down at the booth, next to Tucker.

"I find it charming."

Gregor and Sam gaze at each other. Aero walks over after saying good bye to Valerie.

"Oh, I see you've made a friend."

Gregor grabs Aero's hand and bows.

"Gregor, charmed."

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