Prisoners of Love

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After spending several days in Wisconsin, the Fentons finally came back home from the reunion they went to. Danny told his friends all about it, they were mostly grossed out by the fact of how much Vlad Masters was into his mom.

Right now, in the lab, Danny walks in, looking at a book he's holding. He stops and lowers the book to talk to his dad, who is working on the Specter Speeder in the middle of the lab.

"Dad, can I ask you a question?"

Jack turns around from working in the cockpit.

"About the Specter Speeder?"

He wraps his arm around Danny.


Jack shoves Danny into the cockpit of the Specter Speeder, then sits down next to him. He begins pointing at the dashboard.

"This little baby has state-of-the-art spirit plane exploration technology. And it's got a-"

He presses a button.

"-super-sized cup holder."

A large cup holder pops out of the dashboard. Then a small voice goes through the lab.


The two poke their heads out and spook Aero who was walking over to the Speeder.

"Oh! There you are."

"Aero, Hello!" Jack exclaims as he steps out of the speeder.

"I'm bringing back the blueprints and information you gave us. My dad says thank-"

Jack grabs Aero and shoves her into the speeder with Danny.

"That's great! But look at this! With this speeder, we'll be able to travel through the ghost zone and drink large beverages!"

Aero blinks and looks around.

"Oh wow, this is really cool."

Soon Maddie comes down the basement stairs. She stops near the end of the Specter Speeder.

"Jack, dear."

Jack looks at her.

"It's getting awfully late. Is there something that you might have forgotten today?"

Jack looks around, clueless.


"Something significant? Having to do with today's date of May 9th?"

On the calender, in the lab, there is a picture of Jack and Maddie on their wedding day pinned to May 9th, with arrows pointing to it and 'Happy Anniversary' written above it.

Jack continues to look around cluelessly, while trying to remember.

"9th..9th..9th....9th! 9th? Nope. Still not catching your drift."

He scratches his head.

"Our anniversary, dear? Oh well, I guess it just slipped your mind..."

Maddies shakes and suddenly bursts out in anger.


Maddie slams her fist down on the end of the Specter Speeder, causing it to start up and shift into drive with a surprised Danny & Aero still inside.


The Speeder begins to fly forward.


The Specter Speeder flies towards the Fenton Portal, which opens up.

"Hold on!"

Aero grabs onto the seat and the two close their eyes in anticipation of impact. The Specter Speeder flies through the portal and into the Ghost Zone.

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