The Move

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Aero was looking out the window as the wind blew through her hair. She sighs and watches the trees go by. Her dad looks at her for a second, before looking back at the road.

"Don't worry, sweetie. The house was moved in one piece, nothing went wrong. I was there the whole way. Especially since your grandma made sure to get the best company for it."

Aero smiles slightly, she starts to re-call the moment and speaks like her grandmother.

" 'Christopher, I don't care how big this house is or how much it costs. You bought it for your family and my sweet grandbaby loves this house and so did her momma. You bought the plot for it, I'm making sure it gets there.' "

Her dad chuckles.

"Yep. You remember my mom scolding me well."

"Yeah, I love grandma..."

Her dad sighs.

"My dad is watching the house until we get there. Your stuff will be fine."

"It's not that."

"What's up?"

"Just preparing myself to be an outcast again." She replies.

"Aero, not this again. You weren't an outcast. You just had a hard time making friends, you had some people you'd hang out with."

"Because when I was younger, my ghost side would appear and mom would have to wipe their memories. It was so hard making the friends I had, now I have to do it all again..."

Her dad rubs the bridge of his nose and looks back at the road.

"Aero, You didn't have control at the time. And ghosts aren't well known. You can't blame yourself or them."

"Yeah..I know..."

He pats her thigh.

"But I'm sure you'll make some really good friends at this new place. The friends I made, the ones with the ghost portal. They have a son your age, I'm sure you guys could become friends."

Aero looks at him.

"You think so?"

"I know so. Cheer up. Remember, you are your mom's little 'ae-row' "

Aero chuckles as he rubs her cheek and puts his other hand on the wheel.

"That was bad."

"I know."

2 hours later, her and her dad make it to the plot. Their family home was done being placed, now with the added basement for her dad's lab. Her grandfather walks out the front door and smiles.

"Look who also made it in one piece."

Aero walks over and hugs him. He rubs her head.

"How was the drive?"

"Fine, fine. You staying the night?"

"I would, but your mother booked me a flight. We have party tomorrow night."

Aero heads inside as the two talk. She heads up to her room and everything was alright. She smiles and sees a photo of her mom. She picks it up and sighs.

"Mom, hopefully, coming here; we'll find you."

"Aero, come spend time with Grandpa until his ride gets here."


The next day; Aero and her dad was unpacking stuff from the car, and making sure things were back to normal. The doorbell goes off while the two are in the kitchen. Her dad walks into the foyer.

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