Shades of Gray

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Today started like any other day, except Dash failed a spelling test so Danny became a target for his rage.

Danny soon pushes the school doors open in a panic.


Dash runs the same direction Danny went, chasing him. Danny runs through the halls, out of breath.

"*huff* Moving *puff* Gotta keep moving."

He looks behind him.

"That's it Fen-ton! Run! But I'm taking this D I got on our spelling test out of your hide!"

"Every time he fails, he comes after me!"

Aero was on the phone with her dad when Danny passes by her. She moves the phone away and looks at him.


"Aero! Help!"

Aero blinks as Dash passes by her.


Aero sighs.

"Dad, I'll have to chat later....yeah okay, bye."

She hangs up and then follows after them.

Cut to another hallway where Paulina and Kwan meet up with Valerie. Valerie has on a different top. It was a light purple and it was different than the normal yellow she usually wears.

"Hey, Valerie. Like, I so much love that top!"

"Isn't it Swe-e-et? $579 and worth every one of my dad's pennies. "

Valerie notices Danny rounding a corner and charging down the hall towards her and her friends. Danny is looking back to see if Dash is still behind him. He doesn't see how close Paulina is and runs into her. Paulina is holding a large paper coffee cup and it goes flying into Valerie's face, and her $579 top. Valerie yells in anger and looks to Kwan.

"Please hit the unpopular boy for me!"

"Hey, accidents happen." He assures.

Valerie grabs Kwan by his shirt, drags him down to face her.


"Alright, Alright."

Danny begins running again.


Kwan starts chasing Danny back the way he came. Dash is still chasing Danny. Danny realizes it.

"Wait a minute! I have ghost powers."

But before he can go invisible, two hands grab his ankles.


He gets pulled into the ground, intangible. Dash and Kwan run head on into each other.

Danny ends up outside in the parking lot with Aero. She places him down and de-transforms.

"Man, that was close. Thanks."

"What the hell was that?" Aero questions.

"Dash failed a test again, but I'm fine."

Aero sighs. Then the two hear a small bark. They look down and see a small green ghost dog walk up to Danny. Aero squeals with happiness, Danny blinks.

"Omg! He's just like the ghost dog that I had as a kid!"

Aero picks it up and snuggles it. It barks and licks Aero's face. She laughs. Danny sees it has a tag on its collar, an 'A' with four electrons orbiting it. It then licks his face.

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