Secret Weapons

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Along with a bunch of other people, Sam and Tucker exit the movie theater, it looks to be really late at night. Tucker & Sam start to yawn and stretch.

"I can't believe we sat through all three cyber zombie commando movies."

"I could've used a little less zombie, and a little more cyber. But that's me, I'm all about the cyber."

Sam & Tucker then look around the area and see no one around.

"Coast is clear, you two!"


Aero and Danny, holding hands, become visible.

"No sign of Jazz?"

"No sign of Jazz." Sam replies.

"Good, ever since Jazz found out that Aero and I fight ghosts, she's been kind of-"

All of a sudden, Jazz immediately drives up and parks in front of the movie theater. She tackles Danny against the wall of the movie theater. Aero stumbles a bit into Sam.


"Danny, are you okay?!"

Danny, still in Jazz's grasp. She shoves a Fenton Thermos into his stomach.

"You know you should never leave the house without the Fenton Thermos."

She gets close to him and whispers.

"What if there's a ghost around?"

Jazz looks to Aero and hugs her close.

"What if they get Aero?!"

Aero blinks, unamused. Danny sighs.

"There's no ghost around. If there was my ghost sense would go off."

His and Aero's ghost sense goes off.

"Like that?"

They all look up to the sky to see Skulker flying through the air.

"Skulker?! He's hunting you again?!"

"Again?! As in more than once?!"

Jazz's grip tightens more around Aero.

"Ah! Too tight!"

Danny pulls Aero free.

"Jazz, take it easy. There's a rhythm to these things. Ghost attacks *makes hand gestures*, we exchange witty banter, I kick ghost butt, and we all go home having learned a valuable lesson about honest...or something such nonsense."

Jazz takes a pencil from her hair, a notebook from her back pocket and writes down what Danny just told her, like it's actually important information.

"Attack. Banter. Kick butt. Lesson. Got it. So, why's he not attacking?"

Danny opens his eyes in shock.


They all see Skulker flying away from them.

"No attack? He's ignoring me?!"

Cut to Axion Labs, after-hours. Skulker phases into a laboratory and floats through the place. He makes it into one room and raises his binoculars, and sees  Bloodstream Nanobots jar. 

Skulker lowers his binoculars, smiling evilly. He flies over and turns his hand intangible; placing it on the locker. He then pulls out the Bloodstream Nanobots jar. Danny and Aero then fly into the lab. They float behind Skulker and spook him, almost making him drop the jar.

"Bloodstream Nanobots? What are Bloodstream Nanobots?"

Skulker turns around and shoots out a net towards the two. Aero dodges, but Danny doesn't and gets captured in it.

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