Family Drama

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Everyone was in the Spectator Speeder now. Danny was flying them through the ghost zone. Minerva was silent. Chris decides to stop the Speeder.

"Minerva. What's going on? Where are we going?"

"I'm going to get Aero back alright? Just drop me off where I said." She states.

"No. Tell me what's going on? You know who took her! What are you hiding from me, Minerva!?"

"Her name's not Minerva."

Everyone blinks. They turn to the front of the speeder to see a man floating in front of it. Minerva looks at him.

"Hello, Thanatos."

He smiles.

"Hey sis. Been awhile."

Everyone looks at Minerva.


"Thanatos?! The embodiment of your brother?!" Sam exclaims.

Everyone blinks as Minerva sighs. Chris grabs her arm softly.

"Who are you?"

She looks at him

"My name is..... Eris...personification of strife..."

Everyone is silent. Thanatos clears his throat and alerts everyone.

"So are we gonna just float here or would you like park and chat. Someone forgot to write." He jokes.

Eris smiles.

Back with Aero, she's walking behind her grandmother as they walk the halls of her home.

"Your mother was always causing problems and I always had to pick up after her. Causing fights. Starting wars. And after I cleaned up her mess, she'd disappear and I'd have to get her siblings to get her. She always made sure I couldn't find her. She made it very difficult this time by going to the human realm. Then I just feel her presence in the ghost realm recently and I find out she has a daughter?."

"Mom had to have her reasons." Aero rebuttals.

Nyx turns to her. Aero blinks.

"You definitely have her sass."

Aero squints at her.

"Why am I here?"

"It's your birthday, yes?" Nyx questions.

Aero nods slowly. Nyx bends down to her and smiles.

"I wanted to give you a gift."

Aero blinks, worriedly.

Back with the others, they were in Thanatos's domain. They watched as he looks down at a river of souls.

"I'm not surprised you took a human for a husband. You always were the one who strayed from everyone else."

Chris blinks. Thanatos turns to them.

"Mother always worried about you for that reason."

Chris walks towards Thanatos.

"But what does she want with my daughter?!" Chris questions.

"Most likely our mother is trying to make Aero fully ghost." Eris answers

Everyone gasps except Thanatos. Thanatos looks at her.

"That's why I wanted to find you, Than. You are the one that can help me stop her."

Thanatos sighs.

"Mom isn't gonna hurt your daughter."

"How do you know that, Thanatos?!"

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