Micro Management

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This morning, in Amity Park, we see Danny & Tucker jogging through the city, look very exhausted. Both were wearing their gym uniforms.

"So, *gasps* how's *gasps* the four minute *gasps* mile coming, Tucker?"

Tucker pulls out a stop watch.

"Nine minutes *gasps* and counting, dude."

Sam runs past them, running backwards. She was also in her gym uniform.

"This is just embarrassing."

"I know! How are you two going to pass the President's test on physical fitness if you can't even pass me?" Sam questions.

"So what? I have super powers. Why should I even care?"

"Are you guys tired already?"

The two boys look behind them as Aero runs past them and next to Sam. Danny smiles. Aero was also in her gym uniform, with her hair tied up in a ponytail.

"You're cute."

Aero chuckles. Sam rolls her eyes.

"She's wearing the exact same thing as all of us."

"Yeah, but when you're dating someone, anything they wear is cute." Danny explains.

Tucker nods.

"It's true."

All of a sudden, an ecto-blast blasts the ground inbetween the four. Danny, Aero, and Sam fall to the ground and Tucker lands bottom down in a trash can next to them.

Skulker flies over to them. 

"Hello, ghost child. I saw you running and thought 'Hey, I should give him something to run from!'"

Danny shoots an ecto-blast back, hitting Skulker's left jet pack wing and causing him to scream and fly away.

Danny laughs and turns to Sam.

"Ha! Let's see the president do that!"

He goes ghost and flies after Skulker.

Due to the instability of his jetpack now, Skulker goes flying into a dumpster; which closes from the impact. His head pops the dumpster open and he notices Danny racing towards him.

Danny uses both of his hands to shoot one huge ecto-blast, which hits the dumpster. Skulker is thrown from the dumpster due to the blast. He flips into a wall upside-down with a grunt. He quickly stands and turns to look at Danny again.

Danny fires off another ecto-blast with his right hand. Skulker ducks out of the way, only to be hit by several other blasts from Danny, which break his left forearm and right foot to expose his body's wires. Skulker falls to his side and looks back to Danny, who lands in front of him a few feet away.

"Hey, Skulker, without your suit you're pretty powerless. Maybe you need to learn to rely on your natural abilities!"

Sam and Aero run up behind Danny. Sam turns to Tucker, who has fallen behind.

"Tucker, hurry up!"

Tucker runs over, holding the Fenton Thermos; sweating and gasping for air. Sam grabs the thermos and aims the device at Skulker.

"No, no, no!" Skulker screams as he is sucked into the thermos.

Sam hands the thermos to Danny after Skulker is fully inside. She crosses her arms and looks at Danny, causing him to frown.

"Speaking of natural abilities..."

Cut to the four in the school gym. Danny is trying to do pull-ups. Tucker is slouching on the pole next to him

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