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a/n: just wanted to post this right before i go to bed because it's been an extremely busy and tiring day and i kinda want to wake up to some comments 🥺

        DOYEON DOESN'T ASK MANY questions when I appear at her doorstep, warbled and red-eyed. Though I don't speak about her much, I've never stopped appreciating how non-judgmental Doyeon has forced herself to be. Because I know that I am pretty judgmental; I make my views, approval, and disapproval known. She has always been pretty impartial, to everything. At least until she knows the full story. It's only after I wash my face multiple times in her bathroom, that I do tell her everything.

Doyeon confirmed that no one did know about the teacher-student situation, asides from the rumor that it occurred. My name hadn't even been considered an option. Though this brings some relief, it does not lessen the dull ache in my heart. My argument with my sister shouldn't bother me, yet it does.

And like Doyeon always does, she promises to keep my past regrets between us. Because of this unruly storm incurred between Lisa and I, she even offers to let me hang around for a little bit. She is right too, I don't think I'm in any headspace to be near the older girl. I have never seen her that angry with me before. Thinking of it only makes my chest continue to constrict.

The days I stay away from my home and the diner are my most productive for working on my final project. It must be the anger and ill-thought feelings raging through my veins, the words seem to slip out and onto the page in an easy flowing and appropriate manner. I'm starting to feel pretty satisfied with how the project is turning out.

Doyeon tells me how nice it is to wake up with someone else next to her. Doyeon and her brother have a huge age gap, so they've never really had the close sibling interaction. To me, it feels like Doyeon and I are the closest thing I will get to a sister for a while. Considering with how both Lisa and I really fucked up with each other...yeah.

In the evening, I find myself walking towards the other side of Thistlethorn. Yeonjun has warned me so many times not to walk alone, but he is the sole reason I need to go there. I want to talk to him. In school doesn't really cut it, now Yeonjun's becoming popular amongst literally everyone. I don't know what exactly he is to the school, he doesn't fit into the Thistlethorn Triangle, the IT girls, or Lucas's Red Circle. Especially since the last game where he and Lucas carried, Wong will always be a heartthrob of the school — as much of a bitch as he is — but Yeonjun is something different.

At this point I don't know whose perspective I'm speaking for. The school's or mine?

"Mai." He breathes, a little surprised to see me here, at his porch. Usually the roles are switches, especially since his place is so out of the way. "...hey."

"Hi." I look at him once, analyzing his face. His hair looks like it has just been washed, but other than that, he seems pretty pleased to see me. Which sucks, because his opinion of me may greatly change after I tell him what I'm here to tell him.

"I...oh. Come in." He opens the door wider.

"Did you have practice today?"

"Yeah. I saw the draft you sent me for the paper." Yeonjun laughs. "You didn't need to highlight my playing like that. Yeonjun carries the team to victory?"

"Is that not what happened? Because I was there." I grin at him. "And you definitely did."

He looks embarrassed when I say it.

"Anyways uh," I clamp my hands together, sitting next to him on the living room couch. His house is simple, much like mine, there's a TV attached to wall in front, but other than that, there isn't much else in the room. "there's something I need to tell you."

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