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        SLOWLY THE CROWD HAS BEGUN to return back to Lalisa's, and I find myself among them. In my defense, I hoped that by staying away like the many people who have, it would give her the time to recover and maybe pull herself together. She did shoot the guy, from what Mai told me. At least from what I see, though Lisa is the one who fired the shot, she's doing a lot better than the mess that Mai is starting to become.

Thinking about her sends an odd wave of flutters through my stomach, it's ticklish and weird. Every time I think of her, I get reminded about when she hugged me out of the blue at the soccer game. Nothing about it was discrete either. No warning, nothing. All I did was ask her if she's okay, nothing out of the ordinary.

Maybe it was for her though. By the looks of her reaction, perhaps she doesn't get asked that a lot. Which is really sad, because it seems Mai has way too much going on in her life.

"Hey Yeonjun." When I glance up from my food, it's Lalisa herself. She takes a seat across from me, smiling gently. I return it, mumbling a hello.

"How are you?" I ask.

"Managing, I guess." She lets out a deep exhale. "I just wanted to talk to you about my sister."

There it is again, that weird wave-like motion in my gut.


"I understand Mai can be a little, stand-offish. And I know she's probably said a lot about me which probably paints a bad picture, but my point is that I care about her a lot. And she makes it really hard for me to care about her, so I have to do it from afar. You've gotten closer to her than any of her previous friends...so just please watch out for her." For once, Lisa looks really pained.

"A lot of bad things have happened to her. She's strong, but emotionally very weak. I don't want to see her fall apart."

"Why does she hate you so much?" I don't look at the older girl warily, just curious. "Did something happen between you two?"

It takes her a while to answer. "Yes." She answers gravely. "I'm one of the reasons that so many bad things have happened to her." I don't know what's weirder, having Mai accuse her sister like this, or having Lisa actually admit to them. She usually doesn't look this sad either, which makes it all the more believable. Finally, I'm starting to see the more imperfect sides to who Thistlethorn deemed as the golden girl. She smiles, trying to hide the despondent tone of her words earlier. To anyone else, they probably would have been fooled, but it doesn't really trick me.

"I should get back to work, but just keep what I said in mind."

"I will." I answer. "Don't worry."

And she's gone like that, returning back to her spot. I sigh, realizing that my appetite for the food has diminished greatly. I close my eyes, leaning against the leather seat. Asides from Mai, there was much going on in my life too. Maybe not as many things, but definitely one which was of great importance. And I eye the one who held the offer as he glances my way. Recognition flickers in his eyes, before muttering something to Lalisa, and heading in my direction.

"Hey Yeon."

"Hey." I offer lamely to Bambam, and he sits down where Lisa once was. He arches a brow.

"You look tired."

"Yeah I am. Thanks for noticing."

"Have you thought about what I said?" Bambam asks. "It's really not as bad as you would think. You're not going to end up like your father."

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