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DOYEON AND I MEET IN THE RED room, as arranged. Earlier we had decided to go over whatever little details we had about Seulgi's murder, and possibly try to formulate a plan of what to do next. She's standing outside as I round near the classroom, and I grin at her as we walk inside. Smiling had never come this easily before, now I seem to be doing it more and more often.

"I think we should ask Bam about him updates on the investigation."

"Do, have you even met him? He won't say anything to us."

"He won't say anything to you, silly." She laughs. "You forget the reason why I'm a triangle member, I am very charming."

"Yeah, okay Cher Horowitz."

"It's true!" She takes a seat across from my table, and I reopen the typewriter. "And you know it."

"Am I intruding?" A knock echoes on the open door, both of us turn in time. I snort.

"You usually never knock. I wonder what the special occasion is."

"Hey Yeonjun." Doyeon waves at him, and he smiles back, before sliding an iced coffee in my direction.

"Lisa told me you didn't stop by in the morning, so I got you this."

There it is again. Usually I can resist the urge to smile, but this time it's pretty difficult. Biting on the inside of my cheek harshly, I withstand the wince and nod at him approvingly. "Thanks. I actually ate breakfast at home for once, but the thought is sweet."

"Yeah, uh no problem." Taking several of the folders littering the table, he walks back to the hind end of the classroom to put them away. Trying to ignore Doyeon's pointed stare, I'm successful for a matter of seconds before giving up.


"You guys are so cute." She hisses.

I shrug. "I guess."

"He's making you soft."

"I'm still as sharp as a knife."

"Yeah." She winks at me. "A butter knife." And I scowl at her comment. Truthfully, since that kiss at the diner it's like something settled between us. Over the past few days we have definitely gotten more closer, closer than platonic friends would behave, but nothing has really shifted between us. It's like the argument never happened.

"We're actually gonna' stop by the station after school today." I chime when Yeonjun is finished. "If you don't have anything, you should come with."

"I have practice today, but I'll meet you there after it's done."

"Right. I keep forgetting you're an athlete." I reach a hand to pat his head flatly. "Well have fun Jim Stark. I'll see you later then."

Unbeknownst to Doyeon's lurking eyes, he squeezes my hand once, then leaves. Shouldering my own bag, I wait for her at the doorway, rocking on and off my heels.

"I'm telling you girl," and she nudges my shoulder as we walk. "Spring formal is coming up. I have a very good feeling that you and Yeonjun might just take the crown for court this year."


WE KEEP UP WITH THE PROMISE later that afternoon. I stick around my last period a little longer than usual, asking my math teacher about some follow up questions regarding some of the rules with derivatives. After she addresses my qualms, I leave the room to head towards the back exit of the writing academy, where my tall friend stands near the tall trees. Her lips perk at my arrival, mine following in suit.

"Hey. Wanna' go?"

"Yeah, sorry for the wait. I needed some help with math."

"No worries." We walk in time, feet crunching through the dead leaves as we go. "While we're walking, update me the status on your living romcom."

"This is far from a romcom Do. I'd call this a mystery."

"Same diff. Tell me," Doyeon pulls on my hand for emphasis. "what exactly happened?"

"Well we argued about something super petty. And I had been about to tell him I liked him and it kinda went south so I left. We didn't talk for a while if you noticed. Up until recently, when I went to apologize."

"And he accepted?"

"Yeah." I nod, smiling slightly. "He did."

"Did he kiss you?"

"Oh my god." I groan at her. "You make it so awkward to talk about."

"You kissed him?" She gasps in delight. "By Jove Mai, didn't know you had that kind of balls. Is he a good kisser?"

A snort escapes my lips. "Yes. He is."

She squeals again, squeezing my forearm gently. "I'm really happy for you. Seriously, I am. You know, you've been through a lot, so you deserve this Mai. You deserve that adorable arm candy and the first prize for the year-end project."

"Oh don't remind me of that. I still need to find out who has my other draft."

"You don't think that Mr. Kim could have just taken it?" She tilts her head. "I feel like you put too much faith in him Mai."

"Why would he want her dead? I agree, you're right and perhaps I don't know him as well as I thought I did. But...it just doesn't feel right, to picture him as the culprit? Why my draft?" To be honest, it feels like someone came across my draft on accident, because how could Doyoung possibly be connected to all of this?

Unfortunately I wish I had more answers.

"So...I see that you and Soojin have been getting closer through all of this." I butt my shoulder with hers. "That's good honestly. You guys should be there for each other, I can imagine that this is extremely tough for you."

She lowers her eyes. "Uh, yeah. Soo hasn't really been taking it well, I'm just trying to help her. You know?"

"That's one thing you're great at, to be honest. You are such an amazing friend Doyeon. Like, you helped me pull all my shit together, have me great advice...if I didn't thank you enough, here's another one."

"It's what I do." She admits. "But can I be honest with you Mai?"

"Of course."

"Please don't judge me."

I frown. "With you? Never."

She sighs, shoulders slumping. "With Soojin, it's so...complicated. I love being there for her and everything, but it just...doesn't feel the same as when I'm there for you. And I don't know when exactly this feeling started, but I'm so confused." Doyeon traces circles into the back of her phone. "I'm a great friend. But lately, I'm trying to figure out whether I want to be her friend...or not."

My lips purse into an 'o'.

"I don't know, does that make me weird?"

"No." I shake my head. "No it doesn't. You can't help who you like."

"I wish I could. My parents would hate me if they found out." She forces a smile onto her face. "Oh we're here."

"Doyeon, you know...we should probably talk about this. This is important."

"Nah, it's fine Mai. Just something I needed to get off of my chest." She shrugs me off. "Trust me, I'm good."

Then she walks inside. I really hope she is, I think to myself, before following after.

THE PERFECT MURDER.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن