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BY THE TIME I RETURN BACK TO school, it's around time for home game season. This is usually the couple of weeks in the soccer season where the boys and girls' team have games set in our fields. The day I return I actually post an article for the school paper about wearing our prideful colors, red and blue. Obviously my heart's not really in the words considering certain events, but at least it's convincing that I'm excited.

Yeonjun had invited me to the game sometime ago. Now I decided I would actually go. Yeah, maybe part of it is to cheer him on (I guess) but there was also someone else I needed to speak to. And I am positive they will be at the game as well.

Doyeon's surprised when I text her asking what she's wearing to the game. There's a dress code for these kind of events, so when I explain to her that I'm planning on going, she decides to lend me one of her spare jerseys. It's not hers, but her older brother used to play for Thistlethorn. I expected that maybe she would wear the jersey, but she explains to me that I should be wearing it more than her. Of course, her logic never makes sense to me, but I shrug it off like always.

And when we arrive at the field, I drop my friend off at the bleachers. I give her the excuse that I'm going to go get food, but instead take a detour for the locker rooms. I don't even hesitate at the door before pushing inside the boys' room.

I would find the reactions funny as I step inside, but I'm far too annoyed to think much about it. Instead, I slap a hand over my eyes. "Relax I'm not looking." Then I peep one open and glare hard at Lucas.

"You, bitch. We need to talk."

His shirt is half on, definitely startled after hearing my voice. "Mai? What the hell?"

"Mai?" That's Yeonjun's voice this time. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm talking to you Lucas. Put on your clothes and come out. We need to talk."

"You could've just asked for a strip show if you wanted one. No need to barge into our smelly locker room."

His remarks are unnecessary, I note. Like he's trying to avoid coming outside. Like he knows exactly what this conversation is supposed to be about.

He broke our deal. So I guess it's my turn.

"You know, I wasn't sure if you were all aware," I begin, still hand over my eyes. "But your team captain here is a really bad boy. You're probably aware of him bullying kids, and that could definitely get him suspended but did you know that he also—"

I smile to myself when his rough hand drags me out of the room. Just as expected. He is so easy to predict. Lucas doesn't have much going on upstairs, but yet somehow he's able to be pretty duplicitous. I don't even know how exactly he found out about my scandal.

Actually, I do. I hadn't expected him still at school so late at night, but he had overheard one of mine and Doyoung's many conversations. It was enough for his dense head to put the pieces together. And obviously his status holds a large standing here, releasing my name would cause an uproar. I could get in serious trouble.

You already know the gist.

"What do you want? You can't just barge into the locker rooms with absolutely no warning and start saying shit you're not supposed to say!"

"I'm not supposed to say? What happened to our deal then? You were the one who reported Mr. Kim, didn't you?"

"I kept your name out of it!"

"They're going to find out it was me, you asshole!" I glare at him. "Why would you do that anyways?"

"I..." It surprises me when he falters, clearly not sure what to say in his defense. Not just annoyed, I'm angry now. Why would he do something so reckless when his reputation is on the line too? I seriously thought he would be smarter than this.

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