Pulling myself up further, my foot stumbles as I almost fall off once again. However, I grab onto one ledge with one hand and look down to see everyone's eyes on me.

Don't look down, only look up.

"Only thing useful about the damn girl is what's between her legs."

This is enough to make me gasp as I lose my footing once again and fall to the ground, landing with a loud thud making everyone laugh. I feel pain course through my body as I squeeze my eyes shut and try to block out the laughter.

In this moment, I don't think I've ever felt more like a failure in my life.

My body is dirty due to the number of times I've fallen and my head hurts from the number of times people have laughed at me. My arms are sore, and my legs want nothing more than to give up on me as I once again barely push myself up to try once more.

Clearly, Lieutenant Hemmings really was serious when he said I'm not leaving this spot until I get to the top.

"You got this Lila, come on, focus," Michael says clearly thinking that he's encouraging me when in reality all he's doing is giving me a worse headache.

Michael and Ashton both tried to get Lieutenant Hemmings to just give in, just as Major Hood had, but he hardly even glanced their way. It's evident that he wants to have his way at the end of the day and he won't allow otherwise. 

"Hood, start training half of these guys for the day," Lieutenant Hemmings says. "Make sure Irwin and Clifford go as well. They're distracting Lila."

"I'm not leavi-" Ashton attempts to say something before Major Hood gestures for them to follow him in order to leave the scene.

"Well, you're no way in hell staying here," Lieutenant Hemmings says, his tone firm.

Ashton goes to speak up when Major Hood cuts him off, "Come on, you'll only make it worse for Lila if you stay."

I know this definitely probably is true considering Ashton's actions usually lead to me getting in trouble. So for my sake, I want him gone more than anything.

Ashton sighs, realizing the truth in the comment before saying, "Hemmings, if you so much as-"

"Go weight train, Ashton," Lieutenant Hemmings says.

Major Hood gestures for the crowd to follow him and I notice guys slump their shoulders before abiding regardless. A few clearly stick behind, and I'm sure they're the creepy ones as I can see the excitement on their features.

Ashton accepts defeat before he huffs and shakes his head, muttering something under his breath. Major Hood and Michael give me a sympathetic look before turning away from the scene and heading the opposite direction. 

I don't know if I should feel relieved or discouraged now that they're gone. 

"What's taking you so damn long, James?" Lieutenant Hemmings asks tauntingly.

I ignore his comment, and get back on the pole before hiking my foot up and asking Lieutenant Hemmings, "Don't you have a war you should be preparing for?"

"Don't you have a pole you should be climbing? Or are you just that good for nothing?"

Just as I open my mouth, prepared to snap back, a gross greasy man from beside Lieutenant Hemmings says, "Lieutenant, she's not good for nothing. Why don't we put her to real use and have her spread those sexy long legs for all of us to take a turn?"

I let go immediately, shocked by his comment as I open my mouth and turn to him with disgust on my features. Looking to Lieutenant Hemmings, I pray more than anything for him to stick up for me. He's the one who's constantly warning me about the gross men here yet he's going to allow them to suggest such a thing?

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