Chapter 2- The Man

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Peter's POV

When I woke up, everything was spinning. The room was dark, and I couldn't move. AT ALL. I couldn't explain it. I just... Couldn't. I could only control from my neck up.

"What happened?" I asked myself, The last thing I could remember was being in the apartment, with May laying dead right in front of me. The man must have knocked me out, and given me short term amnesia or something.

I looked down shakily, and saw that I was strapped down to a chair. My wrists and ankles were shackled to the arms and legs of the seat, although I couldn't even try to struggle since I couldn't move at all.

I quickly scanned the room to see what I was dealing with. I was in a dark and empty cell. There were dark crimson stains on one wall which I prayed weren't blood, but considering that whoever had done this had strapped down a 15-year-old kid to a chair and left him in a dark cell, it seemed likely that it was.

There was a small, barred, "window" to my right, which let in a tiny bit of light, but still left the cell immensely dark.

"H-Hello?" I managed, but no answer came. It seemed like an eternity passed. Then another. And another. Going on and on until I would slowly go insane and thought of slicing open my throat, peeling back my skin, and ripping out all my internal organs.

Luckily that thought hadn't crossed my mind. In all honesty, the fact that that thought had ever crossed my mind was concerning. Especially since I was supposed to be the friendly neighborhood spiderman who's 15 years old, and in high school.

By the time I finally got a response, only a couple of hours had passed. Or what seemed like a couple of hours.

A man walked in, wearing dark navy sweatpants, and a midnight black jacket that hid whatever shirt he was wearing. If he was wearing one.

The thought that he might be shirtless disgusted me, even though I was used to seeing shirtless boys in gym class.

The man was just disgusting. He looked familiar though. I couldn't tell exactly who he was, but he wasn't a stranger. I could tell that much.

"Hello, Peter." The man said. I wasn't sure whether or not he knew I was spiderman. I wasn't wearing the suit when I was captured so I really had no way to tell. I felt so dumb when the thought of asking him if he knew crossed my mind. I may be a genius, but I'm one of the dumb ones.

"Confused?" He asked, smirking. A snarky response quickly flashed through my brain, but I restrained myself, not knowing what the man's intentions were. "I wouldn't be surprised. That sedative was quite strong and had some- side effects." He continued.

Neither of us said anything for a few minutes, though he continued to look at me expectantly.

"Go on. Speak up!" He spat. "Why do you think you're here?"

I honestly didn't know what to say. Maybe he knew I was spiderman. Maybe he wanted to get to Tony Stark through me. Maybe he just wanted revenge. "I know who you are Peter. Spiderman. Whatever you are. Mutant. Freak." He said as if reading my thoughts. "Now I'll only ask one more time..." He said harshly, leaning over me, and resting his hands on the arms of the chair. "Why do you think you are here???" He shouted. His warm breath sent chills through my skin, and down my back which was still immobile.

I ran through the ideas again, and muttered "Revenge."

"Ah. Smart boy. That would be correct. Well, that amongst other things." He said, slowly backing away from me. He turned slowly, allowing his back to slide into my view.

There were several tears in the back of his jacket, and it looked like dried blood coated the edges of the rips. He spun back around quickly, and smiled evilly at me. His teeth were stained red, which I somehow only noticed this time he spoke.

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