Chapter 11 ~ Bug Spray

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Peter's POV

May's funeral was a week ago. I've been home for about 2. Going to May's funeral was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. Of course I wanted to go, but she was my last living relative, and I don't know where I'm gonna go now.

"Sir, Mr. Stark requests your presence in the living room." FRIDAY said suddenly, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Tell him to leave me alone!" I said. Gosh, I was in such a grumpy mood today. I did have an excuse though. Yesterday was May's birthday. This whole week seemed to be related to May, and I was not handling it well.

"Mr. Parker, boss recorded a message for you." FRIDAY said.

"Just call me Peter." I said. "Didn't I tell you that a couple weeks ago?"

"Mr. Stark said to go back to Mr. Parker so he could "annoy you into submission" sir."

I sighed. "Of course he did. Play the recording." I said.

"Peter Benjamin Parker you better get out here or I will- LANGUAGE" I laughed at that. Mr. Stark had been interrupted by the Star-Spangled man himself.

I slowly got up off my bed and trudged into the living room.

"What do you want dad?" I asked. It was kind of sarcastic, but I also meant it. He really was my dad now, and that's what I called him. He still called me Peter or Pete or kid or kiddo or whatever the heck he wanted because he is the one and only Tony Stark.

"Well aren't you Mr. Grumpy." Sam said from behind the counter. I just glared at him with a look that could've killed the Goddess of Death herself.

All of a sudden, Clint burst out of the nearest vent and yelled at the top of his lungs. Everyone in the room, including me jumped like crazy and screamed. With me being Spider-man and all, I happened to jump onto the ceiling. When Mr. Stark saw me, he looked like he nearly had a heart attack.

"PETER BENJAMIN PARKER GET OFF THE CEILING!!!" He screamed. I just giggled.

"No." I said mischievously.

Mr. Stark sighed, and ran into the kitchen. Clint was currently laughing hysterically, and everyone else just looked confused and shocked. Even though they knew I was Spiderman, it was still a shock to see a 15-year-old kid walking on the ceiling.

Suddenly, Mr. Stark came back with his "Awnry Spider-Boy" kit. At least, that's what the box was labeled.

He started by pulling out a broom. I just gaped at him.

"Get off the ceiling, Pete..." He warned. I just grinned and crouched down, or up, or... To where both my hands and feet were on the ceiling, and began walking around.

Mr. Stark sighed, and began (softly) trying to knock me off the ceiling with the broom. It didn't hurt, but it definitely made it harder to stay on.

Once he saw that the broom wasn't doing anything, he just tried spraying a small amount of Peppermint Spray around the room.

It caused me to cough a bit, but it wasn't anything that bad. Mr. Stark didn't want to spry too much to where it could make me really sick, but it definitely didn't feel good.

"Pete, I really don't want to do this..." He warned. I just stuck my tongue out at him. "Fine." He said. Then he pulled out the bug spray.

"What are you doing?" I asked. I had been sprayed with bug spray before, and it wasn't fun. Ned had asked if bug spray had any effect on me, and we decided to test it out. We might've gone a little too far.

"Get off the ceiling, Pete..."

I just climbed further away from him. Sam was smiling, Steve looked horrified, and everyone else was just watching, intrigued.

Mr. Stark sent the first wave of bug spray at me, but I dodged it, swinging to the other side of the room, leaving everyone in the blast area coughing from the toxins.

This kept going, with Mr. Stark continuing to shoot bug spray at me, until I ran out of webs. No.

I was stuck, and Mr. Stark noticed, sending another deadly wave of bug spray at me. I screamed in fear, and back up just enough to barely miss it.

Mr. Stark was about to spray it again, when I shouted. "ALRIGHT I YIELD!" and dropped down from the ceiling, completing 3 olympian level flips, and landing gracefully.

Mr. Stark and I glared at each other for a moment, until we could barely hold it together anymore, and we just started laughing.

I collapsed onto the couch, and started treating the small burn on my arm where the bug spray made contact.

"I'm not even gonna ask." Sam said, and left. Natasha had been sitting in the corner the whole time, an amused look on her face.

"Anyways... Why did you want me to come out here?" I asked through my wheezing.

"Oh right um... CPS called. They uh... They said they can come get you as early as Monday." He answered. Any happiness I had been feeling immediately drained from my body. That was the thing I had been dreading most. If CPS came to get me, I didn't know if I would ever see any of the Avengers again. I could end up in a bad home, I might not be able to go out as Spiderman, I don't know. There was just so much that could go wrong.

"So uh..." Mr. Stark cleared his throat. "I was wondering..." I looked up at him, perplexed. "Would it be alright if I adopted you?"

I gaped at him for a moment, before throwing myself into his arms. "Yes, yes yes. Thank you so much, Mr. Stark." He pulled away, and looked at me like excuse me, but he was also wearing a smirk. "Dad." I corrected. He smiled, and hugged me again.

"I'll go call CPS." He said eventually. I smiled, as I watched him leave the room, pulling out his phone.

"He really loves you ya' know." I heard. I jumped a little bit, and looked to the corner to see a smirking Natasha Romanoff, a bottle in hand. "He's not the same Tony he once was. You've changed him, and he's better now because of it." She said standing up. She walked out of the room, as I gaped at her.

Was it true? Did I really change Dad? I've always seen him as perfect, but maybe I did. He spent less time in the lab now, he ate and slept more... Maybe I did change him for the better.

"Peter Stark." I said. "That's got a nice ring to it."


Word Count: 1094

First off, I would like to give a shout out to @AbiiDo for being so incredibly amazing, and also being super involved in the story!

Also, thank you for over 200 reads on this story! I meant to say thanks for 100 reads, but I forgot, then I was going to do it for 150, then forgot, and I've still forgot to say thanks for 200 multiple times, but here we are!


What is your biggest pet peeve?

Mine is when someone leaves the door open.




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