Year 1: Act 2

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Lying Man (Part 1 of Cycle of Rick John)

The journey of Voodoo's quest as a map that was given By Wink to get to the dark side of Alan Town. Right now Voodoo is at a bus station where the sky is gloomy. She found a man with a tie and brown short hair named Rick who is ready to go to work. Voodoo remembers how she did not die after a heart stab on people. She thought of immortality. 

As she got out of the bus, she wants to test something. "I did not pray to the ones I killed," she thought. 

Voodoo place her beam on a rat that was walking by and pinch her right pinkie. The rat sense the pain and squeaks. Then she bites her left hand. The rat squeaks louder until he tried to run away. The force is pushing itself until Voodoo feels worried and let him go. He ran away until getting caught by an eagle in the middle of the streets. 

Voodoo remembers eagles and rats since she was little. Her distractions are gone as Rick enters the dangerous alleyway that has dying brick walls. 

Voodoo enters the alleyway, in a sneaking position and look at Rick getting his mouth violated by two grumpy-looking men. Voodoo turns back and thinks of the man as a human who needs money. 

She thinks of the time the violation of women and children on the bed by three mighty priests. Voodoo escapes with her sisters and tells the truth to their father. He does not believe in this "nonsense". 

Voodoo got mad until the man exits the alleyway, counting his money. A lot of money. His face is gloomy as he said:

Rick: $400. Good for me. 

Voodoo: Who are you and why are you doing this?

Rick: Hey! Mind your own business! Get lost of you will get into trouble! 

Voodoo follows the man. With a question in her mind, she spits out: 

Voodoo: Don't you have a better way to find money?

Rick: Sex. It is sex, young lady. 

Voodoo: Why not working for buildings

Rick: They think of me as a cute guy who only is to make women scream with joy. 

Voodoo: I remember I have a boyfriend. I hate him because he lied to me he was forty and I was eight. 

Rick: You're dumb

Voodoo: I did not know at an age like this. But your the dumber one!!!

Rick: Shut up! I am late! 

Voodoo: For what!?!

Rick: For my meeting!

Voodoo chases him as he heads to a taxi, banging the car, and offers a ride. He escapes from Voodoo until she lands on top of the driving car. With slight sounds, she looks at the cars driving as she remembers horses and people. She wishes she has a horse. 

Rick looks up and sees Voodoo's underwear, not making his rode up. 

Voodoo looks down on Rick and starts stomping the top window with her feet until one crack alerts her eyes. She uses her beam to Rick's eyes until the driver's window opens and shot her ribcage with a BB gun. She fell off the driving car, she takes her beam back as her body gets crushed by a red car. Her ribs and spine were broken. She cries for help until a lady comes to her, screaming:

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