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After some shopping, Mal decided she would go back to her dorm for a few hours before meeting Blake later to go to a different store.

The peace and quiet from everyone being away would allow Mal time to work on her books.

In fact, Mal was about half way done with the book.  This wasn't an ideal time for Mal to be working on writing when Evie was suffering so badly. First Evie's daughter is taken from her, and then the girl she tried to make apart of her family dies. How brutal is that?

Mal really did feel for Evie. If anyone understood that depression aspect it would be Mal.

Mal spent the next two hours writing 5 pages of her book, before getting a text from Blake saying he was here and ready to pick her up.

She put everything away and headed out to his limo. "You ready?" He asked. "I was thinking we could get smoothies from the place right next to the store. I'm a bit parched."

"Sounds good to me, as long as they have strawberry."

Blake laughed at her comment. Mal was a strawberry crazed person, he bet her cravings made her so much more addicted to strawberries. Mal could easily eat strawberries for all three meals a day.

"What are we getting at this store?"

"Clothes. Lots of clothes. Gowns, skirts, shirts, etc. Any princess needs a full wardrobe. Then we have to go over to the jewelers and put in a request for a tiara to be made. We can also get a few more toys. But then I need to go to that dance store and get her some leotards, tights, shoes, and all that. The orphanage bought all her stuff here so her sizes should be saved in the system."

"So you're saying we'll be done shopping by like never?"

"I just have to make sure everything's perfect."

"You know she'll love you no matter what. Right? Poor girl must be traumatized and all alone. All her friends are gone."

"The only good thing about this family is we have a therapist on speed dial. If she needs help working through the trauma we'll get her help."

"How are you just so ready for this parenting thing. Like you just threw yourself into it and it's like a breeze for you."

"Because this is what i've always wanted, Mal. I love Bryn. And I know your situation isn't ideal but, it's truly a beautiful thing. Little mini you and Ben's that you'll get to love forever."

"That's cute. It's just... i've never wanted to be a mom. I never saw myself having kids. I was so traumatized and broken from my own mom I couldn't do it to myself or my kids. I always sat there and feared that what if i'm gonna be just like my mom. But when it came to making that choice, I just couldn't turn my back on it."

"I know you've gone through a lot. But you're stronger than you know. You won't ruin your kids and you won't be like your mom. You're gonna see them and fall instantly in love and Ben's going to spoil them to death."

"Thanks, Blake."

"Mhm. We're here now, do you want to get those drinks still? I'll pay."

"Is the rest of your family this nice?"

"Well you've already met my Dad and my Mom. And maybe briefly saw Bree. Bree is nice and my Mom is nice. My dad? it depends. You should know."

"I mean, I can't blame him for being mad. I'd be mad if I was him. He just..."

"Went a little overboard? Yeah. It's the beast in him."

Bree sat alone in her room. She had opened the doors to her terrace as she hit her vape. Another one of her bad habits she picked up on.

Why were her parents so insensitive towards her? was she really just being a dramatic bitch? maybe. but sometimes our fears don't always make sense.

"Princess." A voice sounded through her door. She knew instantly who that was. Troy. Tianna's son. She literally hated when he called her that and he knew it. It made her want to punch him. He liked that fire.

"Come in." She sighed.

Her door creaked open and shut just as quickly. "What is it?"she asked.

"Do you know where Ben is? He texted me yesterday and asked if we could hang and he's not here."

"Oh..." She bit her lip. "Yeah, I don't know."

"Hmm. Do you mind if I hang with you then? It's way more fun to do that with a friend." He gestured to her vape, a mischievous glint apparent across his face.

"Since when were we ever friends Frog Face?"

"Hey! I have never ever once been a frog and I never will be."

"I'll turn you into one if you keep bothering me."

"So you don't want to hang until Ben's back?"

Despite Bree's insufferable attitude, the two actually were pretty close. "I suppose you can stay."

He came over and sat at the edge of her bed. She passed him the vape and let him take a hit.

This kind of behavior was frowned upon in all of Auradon, thats why she only did it from the privacy of her room. The only person who knew about it, was Troy.

As much as she liked to be mean to him, she always appreciated his company, feeling like someone was actually there for her.

He gave her her vape back and scooted up to sit by her. Leaning back into the pile of pillows covering half the bed. "Do you wanna watch a movie?" She asked, almost blushing.

"I can't say no to a cute girl."

"Blake I think you have literally everything ever now."

"Her dance closet needs to be stylish."

"And it will be. You're going to break the bank today."

"You'd do the same thing."

"Perhaps. But, i've only picked a handful of things today."

"Well you have a while before you become a parent I have like a day."

"Blake we've been shopping for 8 hours. You're almost worse than Evie. At each store you've spent at least two thousand."


"I feel like there's more reason to this than you want to admit." Mal pried. This just seemed so out of line for the logical level headed Blake she heard so much about. She sat there staring up at him and thinking. Why would he go all crazy like this? Then it hit her. "Is this guilt? Do you blame yourself for causing that accident?"

He nodded his head slowly, reluctantly opening up to her. "Oh Blake, it's not your fault. You couldn't have known. It's not your fault some idiot driver hit them. I'm sure she knows that too."

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