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"So Evie has a daughter?" Ben asked slowly, he had never thought that by bringing more vks they would bring so much baggage with them. How could he have known how foul the Isle was? He had never been allowed to step foot on it. "And her mother took her away from her?" Raleigh finished.

Carlos nodded, confirming their questions. "And now she's back on the Isle probably trying to prove to that fishy boy that they're meant to be still."

"We don't like Harry Hook, her ex boyfriend." Jay clarified. "He's a little bitch."

Raleigh tensed up at the mention of him. "He doesn't deserve her." Some people snapped their heads to look at him like what the fuck, not knowing him and Evie had some little thing going. Was it even a thing? Could you even call it a thing? It was one night and they had a lot of chemistry.

"Oh trust us, we know he doesn't. He's an asshole." Mal groaned, "She's just blind to his wicked games."

"So what are we gonna do?" Raleigh asked. "The Isle is dangerous. Even if you were raised there that place has taken a turn for the worse."

"Trust me. I know." Jay groaned. "Can we please just go get her Mori? I don't care if she needs time to cool down she can cool down here where it's safe."

"I mean... what I say isn't the most important opinion. Do what you think is best." She replied simply. In the back of her head she was saying she was right and they should listen to her but at the same time maybe they should go get Evie.

"Classic toxic Mori." Mal thought to herself. Phrases like this is what could make her sister a controlling bitch.

"I think we should go too." Raleigh and Carlos agreed. Ben nodded.

"She could literally get killed there just because she's not 'evil' anymore." Jay reminded. "The isle doesn't care how nice she's been to them and shit."

"I'll stay here. She and I aren't on the best terms and-"

"Stress isn't good for you right now anyways Mal." Jay understood. "You need to put you and the twins first. We got this."

"Thanks for understanding." Mal smiled sincerely at her older 'brother'. But in all honesty, even if Mal wasn't pregnant Jay would still tell her not to come. He was pissed about what she said to Evie and if they wanted to bring her back, Mal would only piss her off more.

"I have to prepare for Bryn." Blake explained. Since Bryn was the only child to live through the accident they decided it was best for her to go to him asap.

"But I can also keep an eye on Mal to make sure she doesn't freak out too much." He suggested to his brother. Blake knew that if Mal didn't go, Ben would try not to go too. But they needed Ben's help, They needed all the help they could get to even pin pointe where she was on the Isle.

"Wait can I help you prepare?" Mal asked.

"Yeah. Sure. Let's do it." Blake agreed. After everything that happened when Mal first came to Auradon, and all the drama with Mori, he never got the chance to know the newest addition in his family. She was practically a Beast now that she was carrying two royals. He thought it would be nice to spend a few hours with her.

The group quickly finished eating and got ready to part ways. Mal and Blake headed to the local mall whereas the others left for the Isle.

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