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"Evie said her meeting would be done in about an hour"

Ben looked up from his mess on the floor from playing dolls with the girls. He sat down his barbie with pink hair and moved to sit back down next to Mal. She had to admit she was completely in love with the sight that had been in front of her. Of course Ben would be amazing with kids.

"So... do you think we should move out of here before the girls are born. It's going to be so cramped with the four of us."

Mal had to agree but she never brought it up because she always believed Ben would end up choosing Audrey again, or deciding he didn't want to be a dad. It's still hard for her to believe he really chose her and that they were a couple now, and that he lost everything he had just for her. "I mean i'm sure we'd figure it out."

"I know but it's already going to be so stressful the last thing I want to worry about is where everything is supposed to go here or if we're going to wake everyone up with crying children."

"I guess you're right." Mal agreed before they fell into silence watching the girls dress their dolls in elaborate dresses Evie had made for them.

Soon, there was a knock at the door that confused the couple. "No way Evie got done early, she called 5 minutes ago."

"I'll get the door." Ben sighed, pulling himself off the couch and rushing to see who could possibly be here. They didn't really get many visitors nowadays. Ben could count on one hand how many times people had come over. And it was usually just Troy, who would come wasted and blubbering his feelings about his sister half the time.

A lot of people in their grade weren't big fans of them at the moment because of the whole Ben cheating situation. But even still, most of them still preferred Ben to be King over Blake.

"It's my Dad?" He questioned, his voice cracking, turning back to Mal. "This has got to be serious if he came all the way here."

"I'll take the girls and turn on the tv for them to watch in your room and you ask your dad if he wants to stay for dinner. They're probably hungry. So I can start cooking soon."

"Got it."

Ben opened the door, greeting his father and inviting him in. They walked over to the couch and sat down. Ben was nervous trying to anticipate what he could possibly have to say now. What now? They were actually going to kick him out of Auradon now?

"I have some possibly good news." Adam smiled, making Ben perk up.

"What is it?"

"Well... I just got my final call from the council and starting tomorrow morning they're gonna have some meetings to possibly bring you back in as king. Which could take a while because they'd have to go through the court to remove Blake and then to have you instead. But if it's what the kingdom wants, the council will always vote in favor for the majority of people and right now that's what 92% of the states are voting for."

"No way! That's great news."

"Yes way, So tomorrow morning at 11 am you have to be at the castle for the first meeting."

"Got it, but one question, do you know how long all this will take? I just want it to be over before Mal gives birth so I can be there for her."

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