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"So this is the Isle?" Raleigh asked as he observed the place around him. It was dark and dull, dirty, and reeked of death and mold. "It's utterly terrible."

"It's not so bad after you've been stuck here for about sixteen years." Jay retorted earning a snort from Carlos. "But anyways- this way will get us to Evie the fastest."

"Guys." Ben stated in a sense of annoyance from the arguing between the two guys. Jay and Raleigh were never completely thrilled about each other, constantly competing for Auradon Prep's number one teen athlete and hottest M.V.P

"What, Ben?" Jay asked innocently.

"You know what I'm talking about. Put your differences aside and let's just focus on the common goal, getting Evie back no matter what it takes."

The two boys grunted. Jay ran a few steps ahead to continue to lead them towards Evie's home. No one had ever been inside but it was hard to not know where a place like this was. "It's down this rode, you see those gates surrounded by vines? That."

"So where exactly are we trying to go?" Kayla asked, not really understanding where they were trying to look for her. She saw the big castle he was talking about, but what was it."

"This is Evie's home. There's only two castles on the Isle, this one and the one me and Mal were raised in." Mori replied. "If Evie isn't here, she's either been kidnapped, or running errands for her mom."

Ben scrunched his nose. The place looked hostile. It was hostile. You could sense the terribleness of what would happen next already. "We need to be careful. Evil Queen is a little loony. Jay and I will make sure the coast is clear when we get there. Then we need to make a plan."

As they approached the home, Jay led them around to the back. There were less windows and open area back here meaning less chances of being caught.

They stood in complete silence, all of them trying to think of some plan, something they could do. Raleigh though, got caught off guard when he heard a strange noise. "Do you guys hear that?" Raleigh asked. He felt like he could hear the faint sound of a child crying. He wasn't sure if he was paranoid or not. For all he knew it was a trap.

They all paused. Mori stepped foward, "I hear it too. It's coming from the basement. I think maybe it's that window right there."

"How likely do you think it is that EQ just took Edaline for her own for a redo on Evie after she got pregnant?" Carlos asked. "We have to get her out. It's one of the few ways to get Evie home."

Silence fell over them not knowing what to do or what to say about the situation.

"I have a plan." Mori announced. "Raleigh and I are gonna get down in there and get the kid, Jay and Carlos you're going to sneak in and try and talk some sense into Evie. Ben and Kayla you're going to stay out here on the lookout."

"What do we do if she won't come."

"Then the child is coming with us to Auradon. If she's here, EQ will take all means to ruin her and her child-"

"She's gonna hate-"

Mid sentence they were cut off by the sound of Evil Queen yelling, "I'll be home around 5 Evie. Make sure you make that Apple tart for the dinner party tonight."

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