Still episode 1 of pilot

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Ricky: look what you did
Dawn:Me? Your the Science fair runner up
Ricky grabs some of the chemical but before he knew dawn threw some at him
Dawn: that's what you get for waiting
She said laughing a little which made me laugh a little Ricky then grew some at dawn
Nicky: that foam is going to give you rashes
Dawn: yea?
Then puts some foam in his suit thing then zipped it back up I felt bad for Nicky as he freaked out
Dawn: happy scratching
Dicky laughed then Nicky grabbed some foam and threw it hitting dicky in the face with it they started throwing it at each other ofc I wanted to join duh because why not (fr that's literally me
Foam flying everywhere kids hid behind the desks
Principal: for crying out loud you could've gotten rashes
Nicky looks at all of us
Nicky: I told you
I just laughed a little bit because I can't keep a straight face in serious situations sometimes like when people are being Serious ( that's literally me in real life lmao)
Principal: Nicky there is nothing here for any of you to be proud of , now I've called your parents
All: aww come on don't do that
Principal: save it
There is a knock
Principal: COME IN
Anne and Tom come through the door Anne crossed her arms
The quads: hey mom hey dad
You: hey mr and mrs. Harper
Anne shook her head
We are now at gets sporty where they're parents work they're parents are like my parents I practically live with them (full house vibes of Kimmy haha) Because my parents work a lot
Tom: This is the 3rd time this month we've been called to come get you kids
Dawn sounds like quality family time to me am I right up top I giggled a little leaving her hanging
Dawn: coming down
Anne: you know every time I get a call from the school I keep hoping that it is finally that call that says mrs. Harper your quadruplets are amazing and they are working together and they are definitely not having a wet toilet paper war in the handicap stall but it never is IT NEVER IS .
sometimes she scares me
Dawn: it's their fault everything always has to be their way.
Ricky:well I'm sorry if I care about my grade
Dicky:and I'm sorry If I don't
Nicky:I'm sorry I bit you all in the womp
They are all fighting with me sitting staring at them trying not to laugh
Tom:wait wait guys wait wait wait QUIET!!
they all stoped fighting.
Tom: wow that finally worked
Anne: The problem is you kids can't do anything together without getting at each other's throats
You: bad choice of words mes.Harper
Dawn: ohhhh his throat good tip
Dawn tries to strangle Ricky but the rest separate her from Rickey
Anne: ENOUGH. I gave birth to a team what happened to my team
She then bit a peace out of her bacon
Ricky:we can't be a team if they don't follow their leader
Dawn:I'm the leader I'm the oldest
Ricky: by 4 seconds
Dawn:I learned in those 4 seconds
Your just watching like 👁👄👁

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