M.D. Day pt.2

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"Ready." You say

"Is that a—" dicky says

"It couldn't be a—" dawn says and the guys almost trip making a skeleton go flying

"It's a!!—" the quads scream and the boys solutions go flying into the rich tank.

"Oh, no." Anne says

"Oh, no." You and the quads say in unison.


"So the painters were moving a skeleton?" Josie asked

"It was an educational skeleton." Ricky says

"His name is boney Tony."

"Even worse than that skeleton they put us in separate rooms, so Me and y/n couldn't help my brothers."


~With Ricky~

"No pamphlets."

~with dicky~

Dicky grabs the cup to pee in and opens it

~with Nicky~

Nicky had a bottle of hand sanitizer in his hands and he opened it pouring it around him.

~with Ricky~

Ricky screams

~with you~

Your just sitting there waiting for the doctor to come in so you grab a pen and star drawing on your shoe

~with dawn~

The doctor walked in

"Good morning, I'm Dr.Miller. And, uh, who do we have here?"

"Dawn Harper. 10, healthy, active, loves soccer, no allergies, not my year for shots. Are we done?" Dawn says

"Done? We haven't even started the exam yet."

"Great! So, what do you wanna start with? Blood pressure?"

"She's just trying to move things along so you can go see her brothers and friend. Always thinking of other people. That's how we Harper's are— the perfect model family." Anne explains

"So, uh, new patient, huh? What brought you to our office?"

"Well it's not because your the last doctor within 50 miles, if that's what your thinking." Anne laughs nervously

"Why would I think that?"


"Ooh, red sticker. That's not very fun."

"I knew it."

"Okay, mom. Too much pressure." Dawn says

~Time Skip~

"So after I got through my exam—"

"And my exam."

"Yeah, I blew up a latex glove and made a little turkey."


Dawn mimics a turkey gobbling


You all stare at here weird

"What? Everyone deals with stress in their own way. Anyway, mom went to go help Ricky and Dicky while me and y/n went to go help Nicky battle the evil germs."

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