Baby Shower (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

Gretchen: *looks around at the baby shower* I wouldn't necessarily call this a raging showers aren't meant to be...

Karen: Are you serious, Gretch! Look at this! Even the birds are going wild!

Gretchen: *looks up at a tree housing a birds nest* *sighs*

Karen: ....That's not right is it...?

Gretchen: No.

Naomi: *trying not to groan* I think I'm going to step away for a moment to use the restroom. *stands and hurries off inside the house*

Clara: *goes up to Gretchen and Karen* Hello, um..sorry to bother you both—

Karen: HI Clara!

Clara: *chuckles at her greeting* HI Mrs Smith-Wieners! Naomi around? I've been looking for her.

Gretchen: Oh you just missed her! She headed off into the bathroom!

Clara: *sighs* Okay, thank you! Oh—um...enjoy the baby shower I guess....?

Karen: Those birds definitely are! *points up to them*

Clara: *looks up* Oh...uh...neat......well, thanks! *scurries away*


Ithilien: *rubs his chin* I dunno, Raph. There's something about that banner that's still not sitting right with me! I know we've fixed it seven times already—yes, I know you've been keeping count—but, you can't blame me for wanting it to at least be symmetrical!

Raph: *sighs* *walks up to banner and moves one side of the banner up*

Ithilien: Okay, now the middle is dipping in to far! Now we've got a parabola! I see enough of those in my algebra class—I don't need to see one here!

Raph: *rubs forehead tiredly*

Ithilien: My thoughts exactly! We do need a third tack! *starts turning to leave* Those are also my thoughts in algebra class! I took it to make Momma happy...but holy moly poly oly—it's hard, and quite frankly...not worth the daily agony I go through. *walks away*

Raph: *blinks* *mumbles* ...Holy moly poly oly......?


Regina: *blinks looking over the presents* Cads, I'm all for free stuff—but this is...

Cady: —An incredibly kind and sweet gesture from everyone that came?

Regina: ....Sure, yeah. Exactly what I mean. But Cady, we already have a lot of this stuff! Remember the yard sale...wasn't it you that said we had too much stuff?

Cady: Gina, honey, a huge part of a baby shower is receiving gifts for the baby. This is stuff we need. As opposed to the things we got rid of in the sale that we didn't need.

Regina: But we have this stuff! Like this— *picks up a bib* I swear we have 50 of these things upstairs in the nursery!

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