Seven- Party time

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It had been almost a month since Millie and Finn saw each other again. They were getting to know each other. Unfortunately, they had been drinking at the abandoned park and Millie was getting a little too into details.

"So why do you have to marry this...Timothee guy?" Finn asked as he moved closer to Millie.

" father and his parents are doing this thing, and to help them, I have to marry Timothee. We become husband and wife next year..." Millie frowned.

"Would you marry me?" Finn asked, taking another large sip of his beer as he laughed.

"You're good for sex...and your cute...but my dad wouldn't allow me to. He's super strict..." Millie said before she covered her mouth.

"Shit...I have to go to a stupid ass party. My father is arranging it and it's basically giving Timothee and I a chance to not only get more acquainted but to also have sex." Millie groaned, not liking when Timothee came over.

"Jeez...your families must want grandchildren then..." Finn said, partly joking.

"'s just so that when Timothee and I get married and we sleep together, it won't be awkward. Besides, both our families agreed that we wouldn't have a child until I was at least out of school permanently." Millie admitted, laying back.

"Well...what time is the party?" Finn asked as he placed his bottle on the ground.

"It's in an hour, but my brother wants me there in 35 minutes." Millie spoke, confused.

"Perfect..." Finn placed his lips on Millie's, grabbing a hold of her ass.

"Fiiinnnn." Millie moaned, letting him kiss her neck. As he did, Millie felt his member grow in excitement. She giggled, grabbing it, making him groan. It was weird to grab his dick in the middle of the park, but no-one ever came so they were safe.
After 30 minutes, they had sex...again. They quickly got dressed, both getting into Finn's car.

Finn dropped me home.

"You better send me a picture of the dress!" Finn said, kissing my neck as I gathered all my things.

I walked up to the steps of my house, watching as Finn pulled away. Tom opened the door.

"Who dropped you off?" Tom asked as I walked into the house.

"Sadie. I was hanging out with Sadie this afternoon." I lied.

Getting to my room, I shut the door and began my search for a dress. Looking in my closet, I found one that I knew Finn would like.

I sent a text with the photo.

Me: My dress for the evening. If I had the night my way, you'd have the dress off by now...

 If I had the night my way, you'd have the dress off by now

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Finn: Damn sexy. Love your legs gorgeous.

Me: I have to go. Tom isn't gonna appreciate me being late...

I put my phone down and got my makeup sorted, walking downstairs to greet my guests.

"Millie...gorgeous as always..." Timothee spoke as he wore a blue and white tux, matching my dress.

"Nice to see you as well Timothee." I spoke, walking with him to the kitchen.

Against my brother's instructions, I had a few drinks of champagne, making me a little drunk. People congratulated me on my engagement with Timothee, Tom having spread the news. I picked up my glass and poured myself another mount of champagne. Timothee came over kissing my cheek.

Taking my drunk ass upstairs, Timothee easily found my room. Walking in, he locked the door behind us.

"You look amazing Millie..." Timothee spoke, cupping my ass as he kissed me.

I was obviously too drunk to fight back, but I desperately wanted to. I didn't want to have sex with him unless I agreed. Besides, I wouldn't have sex with anyone other than Finn. He made me feel things that I knew Timothee could never make me feel.

"" I spoke as Timothee undressed me.

After what seemed like forever, someone knocked on the door.

"Mills? You ok in there? I heard some yelling..." Tom asked from behind the locked door.

"We're ok. Timothee and I are just playing some games!" I said, trying not to cry.

Brushing myself off, hearing Tom leave the door. I cleaned my face and placed my dress back on.

We walked downstairs, pretending that everything was ok. As I hit the last step, I saw a familiar face and my heart lit up.

"Finn!" I said, giving him a 'friendly' hug. He secretly kissed my neck as Timothee came closer.

"You are?" Timothee asked, noticing my face light up when I saw Finn.

"Hey, I'm Finn. One of Millie's friends."

"I'm Timothee. Millie's fiancé." Timothee said, emphasising the word fiancé.

"Can I talk to Finn alone for a minute? It's just about an assignment..." I asked, before Timothee walked off.

Taking Finn outside, I balled my eyes out.

"'s wrong?" He asked, holding me.

"T-Timothee...he-" I couldn't even finish my sentence.

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