Five- It's business

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BANG...BANG...BANG...were the only noises going off. I had been shooting a gun for nearly 2 and 1/2 hours, per Tom's orders.

"Now Millie, remember that holding your hand like that gives you a less likely chance of shooting your target and more of a chance of dropping it or shooting yourself..." Tom said as he tried to stop me from firing more.

I quickly aimed the gun at Tom, shutting him up.

"Tell me what to do again, and you won't live to see the sunrise..." I spoke, pointing the gun at his forehead.

"Jesus Christ Millie! Put the fucking gun down you psycho!" Tom said, putting his hands in front of his head.

"Did you really think I'd shoot you? My dad would kill me if I did!" I said, before shooting the gun sideways, perfectly hitting the bullseye on the board while I looked at Tom.

"Who needs lessons now?" I asked as I placed the gun down on the table in front of me.

Each booth at the shooting range was closed off from the others, making the experience more enjoyable.

I loved going down to the shooting range. Whether I was training for the gang or blowing off steam, it was the best way for me to let loose and grow my skills. Tom would occasionally go with me, just so that I wouldn't hurt myself, but 9/10 times I would show him that I'm better at shooting a gun.

I entered a shooting range, having taken a 2 hour nap, while dreaming about Millie and her body. I heard two other people shooting, one boy and one girl.

"Tom...stop being such a prick! I'm a better shooter than you! Admit it!" The girl argued. Her voice was sweet, but instructing.

I grabbed a gun after entering a booth, suiting up so I would be protected. Before I could get started, I looked over at the other booth's target. Holy shit...I watched as one of the two other shooters got 7 shots in a row, perfectly aiming at the target.

Knowing that my father wouldn't appreciate me being here and not doing anything, I picked up a pistol, now beginning to shoot.

An hour had passed and Finn got a call.

Eric: Finn, you need to get your brother and head down to the alleyway behind the Atlanta movie theatre. There's a deal happening and you two need to be there, stat.

Finn: On my way now.

Finn hung up his phone, grabbing his bag before racing out of the shooting range. He quickly placed a mask over his head.

Tom and Millie kept shooting, hearing the shooting range door open and close. As she shot the gun, she saw Tom taking a call from someone.

David: Now's your chance to prove that you and Millie can run my gang if and when I'm gone. There's a deal about to go down in the alleyway behind the theatre and you two need to stop The Wolves from interfering. Take the guns from my car just in case it goes south!

Tom: Sure thing David.

Tom hung up the phone, interrupting Millie's shooting.

"We need to leave now." Tom said, grabbing her bag before they ran out. Making their way to the alleyway, they saw another car. It was one they didn't recognise.

"Shit! They're already here." Tom said before they parked and got out.

"What the fuck do you think your doing? Taking our customers?" Millie asked, a bandanna covering her mouth.

"Why do you think we're here? This part of town has amazing business!" Nick said, holding a gun up, aiming it at them.

As the dealing went on, Tom grabbed his crewmate, getting in front of Millie.

"There is no way you are taking this deal away from us." Nick said as he shot the gun, a bullet going right through Tom's shoulder.

"Tom, no!" Millie said, grabbing her fallen step-brother before taking him to the car.

Their crewmate took care of Tom while Millie drove to the hospital.

David: And you didn't shoot him why?!

Millie: H-He was too fast. He shot Tom b-before darting.

David: Millie! You never fuck around with the Wolfhards. If they play dirty, so must we. Understand?

Millie: Yeah. I understand.

David: Now take Tom to the hospital and drop Daniel off here.

Millie hung up the phone, pulling into the hospital car park. She let the nurses and doctors deal with Tom while she dropped Daniel off at her dad's place, handcuffing him to the fireplace that hadn't yet been running.

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